The interrelationship between personality traits and superstitiousness and paranormal beliefs among patients with neurotic disorders

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The purpose of the study was to reveal intercorrelation between personality traits and superstitiousness and paranormal beliefs among patients with neurotic disorders. Empiric methodology included tests and experiment.

Methods. The following tools were used: The Paranormal Belief Scale by J. Tobacyk (adapted D.S. Grigoriev), “Superstitiousness Inventory” by I.R. Abitov, the “Big Five” Inventory (5PFQ) by McCrae & Costa (adapted by A.B. Khromov). For independent samples the Mann–Whitney U-test was used and the Spearman correlation coefficient.

Results. The empiric study showed that the patients with neurotic disorders have higher scores on the Psi (U=927.5; р=0.026) and Superstition (U=755.0; р=0.001) scales of the J. Tobacyk Inventory, higher superstitiousness parameters according to I.R. Abitov Questionnaire (U=943.0; р=0.034), and higher values of the “Big Five” scales “agreeableness” (U=769.0; р=0.001), “conscientiousness” (U=796.0; р=0.002) and “neuroticism” (U=919.0; р=0.022). Experiment revealed that patients with neurotic disorders are more disposed to believe in positive projections than healthy respondents (U=872.5; р=0.007).

Conclusions. In the neurotic sample group agreeableness, neuroticism, extraversion and conscientiousness are directly correlated with superstitions and paranormal beliefs. It was concluded that patients with neurotic disorders are more superstitious, more tend to believe in some people’s superpowers and in favorable astrological forecasts. Probably superstitiousness and paranormal beliefs of patients with neurotic disorders play compensatory role.

About the authors

Ildar R. Abitov

Kazan (Volga-Region) Federal University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6532-1284
SPIN-code: 4064-3294
Scopus Author ID: 55951509900
ResearcherId: K-7773-2015

Associate Professor of the Department of clinical psychology and personality psychology

Russian Federation, 420008, Kazan, Kremlevskaya str., 18


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