Clinical mixed dissociative and post-traumatic stress disorders in a 10-year-old boy after a traffic accident

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The article presents the clinical case of 10-year-old Karim, whose behavior and mental status changed after a traffic accident in which the boy was hit by a car (without loss of consciousness and without traumatic brain injury). In addition to various motor paroxysms (convulsions) that did not meet the criteria for epileptic symptoms, the clinical picture included wave-like psychopathological symptoms and inappropriate behavior. The clinical picture could not be clearly attributed to the manifestation of dissociative disorders or post-traumatic stress disorder. Within two months after the accident, the clinical picture worsened — the "light intervals" during which Karim was completely adequate and critical became less frequent. Neurologists rejected the organic (epileptic) basis of the paroxysmal states. Examination and treatment by psychiatrists did not lead to stabilization of the mental state. In the opinion of the authors, the clinical case belongs to a rare polysyndromic variant of the dissociative subtype of PTSD, not described in the scientific literature, in which a mixture of various psychopathological symptoms was found - dissociative motor paroxysms, Ganser's syndrome, astasia-abasia, onirism, and flashbacks.

About the authors

Vladimir D. Mendelevich

Kazan State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8476-6083
SPIN-code: 2302-2590

M.D., D. Sci. (Med.), Professor., Head of the Depart.

Russian Federation, Kazan

Gazinur A. Sitdikov

Kazan State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3962-9642
SPIN-code: 3181-1314


Russian Federation, Kazan

Radzhab R. Abakarov

Kazan State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0009-0003-1233-9538


Russian Federation, Kazan


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