Premorbid personal features as a risk factor of bipolar disorder development

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Aim. Study of the relationship between premorbid personality traits and the tendency to affective bipolar spectrum pathology at the prenosological stage.

Methods. The study involved 129 healthy respondents, the mean age (M=18.27±0.12) years. There were used psychodiagnostic and screening methods: diagnostic scale of bipolar spectrum disorders (Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic Scale), R. Pies; Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ); Hypomania Checklist (HCL-32); Abbreviated Multifactor Personality Survey (MMPI); Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale.

Results. The results of the MMPI study of students’ personality revealed features that corresponded to the degree of severity of the types of character accentuations, did not reach the degree of pathological values with statistically significant prevalence of values on the scale of “Ma” (hypomania) over all other scales and a decrease in values on the scale of “Pd” (psychopathy). The relationship between bipolar tendencies and personality types was found in respondents of hypomaniacal, hypochondrial, hysteroidal types among girls and paranoia type in boys.

Conclusion. Diagnosis of premorbid personality traits in combination with screening for affective pathology will allow the identification

About the authors

Natal’ya N. Osipova

Smolensk State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, 214019, Smolensk, Krupskoy Str., 28

Elena  V. Dmitrieva

Smolensk State Medical University

Russian Federation, 214019, Smolensk, Krupskoy Str., 28

Maksim M.  Turanskij

Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry

Russian Federation, 127473, Moscow, Delegatskaya Str., 20/1

Leonid M.  Bardenshtejn

Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry

Russian Federation, 127473, Moscow, Delegatskaya Str., 20/1


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Copyright (c) 2020 Osipova N.N., Dmitrieva E.V., Turanskij M.M., Bardenshtejn L.M.

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