Residual symptoms and their impact on social functioning in patients with bipolar disorder in remission

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64 patients with Bipolar disorder type I and type II in remission who received treatment in the outpatient department of the St. Petersburg Psychiatric Service in 2017-2018 were examined using the archival and clinical scale methods. 42. 2% of the patients had residual symptoms in this remission, and 70. 3% of the surveyed patients had residual symptoms in remission throughout the disease. Patients with residual symptoms at the time of the study were characterized by lower labour and social adaptation. A statistically significant relationship between specific residual symptoms and changes in professional functioning in patients were not identified. It has been established that as the duration of the disease increases, the frequency of residual symptoms in remission also increases. It is necessary to develop new strategies of therapy and rehabilitation of this group of patients.

About the authors

Yulia V. Ashenbrenner

Saint-Petersburg State University; St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution «Psychiatric Hospital No.1 named after P.P. Kashchenko»

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, 199034, Saint-Petersburg, University emb. 7/9; 190121, St. Petersburg, Kanonerskaya str., 12

Egor M. Chumakov

Saint-Petersburg State University; St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution «Psychiatric Hospital No.1 named after P.P. Kashchenko»

Russian Federation, 199034, Saint-Petersburg, University emb. 7/9; 190121, St. Petersburg, Kanonerskaya str., 12

Natalia N. Petrova

Saint-Petersburg State University

Russian Federation, 199034, Saint-Petersburg, University emb. 7/9


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Copyright (c) 2019 Ashenbrenner Y.V., Chumakov E.M., Petrova N.N.

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