Vol XVI, No 2 (1909)

Original article

To the symptomatology of trembling paralysis

Markelov G.I.


The main feature in the clinical picture of trembling paralysis must be recognized as increased rigidity of the muscles, muscle stiffness. This latter imposes on the patient that peculiar imprint, which often makes it possible to recognize this disease by appearance alone. Giving in various cases one or another fluctuation in distribution and intensity, this increased rigidity of the muscles is the most characteristic symptom of Parkinson's disease.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):237-248
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Towards physiology and depressoris

Fofanov L.L.


Having clarified our view of the depressor nerve, we will now move on to solving the question of the method of its action on the vasomotor center, that is, what exactly happens when the depressor is irritated, the center of the vasoconstrictors is depressed, or the excitation of dilators, or both. But before talking about my own research, I will point out some literary data on this issue.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):249-312
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On the influence of profession on the expression of epileptic seizures

Sergeev L.A.


Epilepsy is not always expressed by well-known characteristic attacks of the disease - convulsions, loss of consciousness, amnesia, etc. It can rather be said that this is one of the forms of mental illness that is very diverse and capricious in its manifestations.

In this suffering, of great public, legal, and also scientific interest are those forms of it, which, along with ordinary epileptic seizures, are expressed in any special actions, sometimes in quite simple and completely incoherent, and other times in more complex and even criminal ones. One patient, for example, during a conversation suddenly begins to whirl or sing, or, abruptly breaking off the conversation, immediately switches to another topic, another, without any reason, exposes his body, shows the genitals and the like.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):313-319
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Microscopic structure of the ganglia of the solar plexus and other ganglia of the marginal trunk of the sympathetic nerve

Mikhailov S.E.


In my work on the fine structure of the intracardiac nervous system of mammals (Proceedings of the Society of Russian Doctors in St. Petersburg for 1907), I proposed a new classification of sympathetic ganglion cells, based on the principle that a given cell belonged to one type or another, depending on whether what type of terminal apparatuses end its dendrites. In this work, I have described in more or less detail four of these main types of ganglion cells, and a large number of drawings taken from the corresponding preparations are attached to the German text of this work (Internat. Monatsschrift für Anatomie und Physiologie. Bd. XXV. 1908).

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):320-335
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About the motor nerves of the heart

Polumordvinov D.V.


Are there nerves whose irritation can cause the heart to contract again after it has stopped?

Modern physiology does not have sufficient material to give a definite answer to this question, neither in the negative sense, nor, still less, in the positive sense.

The most developed and substantiated is the view expressed by the head of the myogenic school Gaskell): such nerves do not exist, or at least we do not know a single fact that would speak for their existence.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):336-344
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Right-sided hemiplegia with aphasia due to syphilis

Sergeev L.A.


On April 15, 1904, when I was invited to the sick K—y, I found him lying motionless on his back. Joint examination with Dr. D. found hemiplegia dextra, smoothing of the right nasolabial fold, drooping of the right corner of the mouth. When wrinkling the forehead, no difference was found between the diseased and healthy side. The tongue is covered with a white coating, when protruding it deviates to the affected side. The patient is fully conscious, perceives the proposed questions, fulfills the possible requirements.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):345-350
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To the question of the relation n. depressoris to the vasoconstrictor and vasodilator centers

. Chalusov M.A.


As we indicated above, for transection of the posterior roots of the lumbosacral plexus, we completely removed the arch of one or two lumbar vertebrae, cut along the dura mater, and cut the posterior roots either one or several at once. At the end of the experiment, the cut roots were checked by careful preparation and the condition of the neighboring parts was examined.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):351-401
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G. Fritsch On the structure and significance of the central spot in humans. Ueber den Bau und die Bedeutung der Area centralis des Menschen. Berlin. 1908, Anatom. Anzeiger. No. 3. 1909

Nikiforova O.I.


The material used by the author represents a collection of eyes of human races, rare in its abundance and diversity, namely: 88 pairs of African, that is, belonging to Negroes, 59 pairs of Asiatic (Mongolian), 19 pairs of Malay and Melanisian, not counting the eyes Europeans. All eyes were immaculately fixed, and most of them got into the fixer absolutely fresh.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):402-403
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Dr. Hisayoshi Kato. A new way of staining nerve fibers. Eine neue Neurofibrillenfärbung. Folia NeuroBioiogica. bd. II. No. 3. 1908

Nikiforova O.I.


The author developed and tested one of the methods proposed by Bielchowski and Ramon in CaJal, introduced into the histological technique, as an improvement on the methods of Bethe and Apathy. The staining method consists of three procedures. If possible, fresh, in small cubes—approximately 5 mm, nervous tissue is fixed in 10—15% formalin solution during the day.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):403-404
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C. U. Ariens Kappers (Amsterdam). Phylogenetic development of the horizontal femur of the root knee of the facial nerve. Die phylogenetische Entwickelung des horizontalen Schenkels des Facialiswurzelkmès. Folia Neurobiologica. bd. II. No. 3. 1908

Nikiforova O.I.


In some works on the motor nuclei of the cranial nerves, the author considers the heterotopy that the latter undergo during phylogenesis. First of all, the author touched upon the most prominent phenomena: the descent of some visceral-motor nuclei moving in the lateral direction and the ascent of the motor nuclei in the medial-dorsal direction. The present report is devoted to the question of the phylogenetic development of the horizontal femur or branch of the root knee of the facial nerve under the influence of the tectobulbar and pyramidal pathways.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):404-409
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K. Brodmann. Histological structure of the cerebral cortex in prosimians (lemurids). Die cytoarcbitektonische Cortexgliederung der Lemuriden. Journal für Psvchiologie u. neurology. 1908. Bd. X

Nikiforova O.I.


In the first chapter of the report, the author gives an overview of the different types of cortex in the female Lemur macaque and emphasizes in each type those areas that show a certain similarity or difference with neighboring types. The author finds that types 8 and 9 of the Lemur species (area frontalis et area praefrontalis) are not homologous with types 8 and 9 of monkeys. The author finds the same phenomenon for types 20 and 21 (area temporalis interior et media). Type 12 monkey bark cannot be found in lemurids; moreover, it is not possible to recognize as homologous the insular types of lemurids (13, 14, 15, 16) with similar types in monkeys.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):409-410
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Prof. L. Rankorani. Anatomisches Anzeiger. January 1909

Nikiforova O.I.


The author set out to study the change in the arrangement of the layers of the cerebral cortex and the relationship of its elements. Prof. Rankorani, like Brodmann, distinguishes 6 layers in the structure of the cerebral cortex, but the conclusions regarding their structure are not completely identical with Brodmann's conclusions. According to Rankorani: molecular layer, superficial layer consisting of small nerve cells, layer consisting of small nerve cells. layer of large pyramidal cells, deep layer of small nerve cells or deep granular layer, layer of polymorphic cells

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):410-411
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Aurelio Lancia. Pathological - anatomical study of the case of deaf-muteness and experimental data for the study of the path of rami cochlearis n VIII. Ricerche anatomo-patologiche in un caso di sordomutismo e contributo sperimentale allo studio des decorso della branca codeare dell' VIII pajo. Rivista italiana di Nevropatologia psichiatria ed electroterapia 1908. Vol. I phase. 7

Nikiforova O.I.


The subject of the study is the brain of an 18-year-old deaf-mute who died of pulmonary tuberculosis. Very little is known about the medical history; from childhood the patient was deaf and mute and distinguished by his underdevelopment; At the age of 16, he ended up in an insane asylum. An autopsy revealed remnants of a bilateral otitis media exsudativa chronica.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):411-413
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Doctor Pletnev. Symptomocomplexx Morgagni - Adams-Stokes'a. - Modern clinic and therapy. No. 4. 1908

Zhilin I.N.


It develops, for the most part, in males who have already reached the age of fifty. The most severe symptom is a constant slowing of the pulse, from 15 to 48 beats per minute. The number of heart sounds or murmurs may be greater than the number of pulse beats. It has been established that the atria contract more frequently than the ventricles. The patient also experiences bouts of dizziness, fainting, or tonic-clonic convulsions.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):413-415
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Dr. V. Oltushevsky. Essay on the doctrine of speech disorders: aphasia, anartria, dysphasia and dysarthria. Abriss der Lehre von den Sprachstörungen: Aphasie und Anarthrie wie auch Dysphasie und Dysarthrie. 1908

Sholomovich A.S.


In a detailed monograph, the author studies speech disorders in detail. First, a historical outline of the development of the doctrine of speech disorders from Dieffenbach's “unfortunate speech”, which considered the cause of stuttering to be a peripheral spasm of the tongue, to the classic work of Kussmau, which played a huge role in Logopathology, and to the current state of the issue. Under the name of Logology, the author understands a doctrine that embraces the physiology of speech and psycho-biological research, as the development of a child’s speech and its relationship to his intellect, with special attention to the psycho-physiological foundations of speech development, psychology and philosophy of speech.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):415-416
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Dr. V. Oltushevsky.About speech, its deviations and hygiene of speech. Von der Sprache und deren Abweichungen nebst der Hygiene der Sprache. 1907

Sholomovich A.S.


The brochure is a prospectus of the author's major work referred to above.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):416-416
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M. Bertolotti About cross skin reflexes. And propos des reflexes cutanes croises. - Revue neurol, 1909, № 2

Osokin N.E.


In the author's opinion, skin reflexes are generally of little importance for the semiotics of nervous diseases.

The cross-skin reflexes studied by Kluppel and Weil are also not worthy of deep study. They serve only as an indicator of the large spread of the reflexogenic area and correspond to long-established physiological laws, according to which skin reflexes are considered as a protective act.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):416-416
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Ch. Sauvineau. The pathogenesis of nystagmus. Pathogenie du nystagmus. Revue neurol. 1909, No. 3

Osokin N.E.


The article is devoted to the old, but still unresolved issue of the pathogenesis of nystagmus. In multiple sclerosis, nystagmus is closely associated with paralysis of associated eye movements (lateral and convergent). Both of these phenomena depend on the defeat of the supranuclear centers. Nystagmus, accompanied by déviation conjugnée of the eyes and violent mouth of the head in the direction opposite to paralysis, in ordinary cranial hemiplegia, is also made dependent by the author on the supranuclear centers, in which he differs from Kpies, who attributes these phenomena to the defeat of the cortical centers.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):416-417
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I. Raimiste. Two symptoms in organic hemiplegia. Deux signes d'hémiplegie organique du membre inferieur. Revue neurologique, 1909, № 3

Osokin N.E.


The symptoms published in this article relate to associative movements in organic hemiplegia and are detected as follows: the patient, who is in bed, when his legs are located at the edges of it, is offered to bring the healthy limb to the paralyzed one, and with the help of the hand they try to prevent this movement.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):417-417
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Doctor Gimbal. Arteriosclerosis of the nervous system. “Modern. Clinic and Therapy, № 5, 1908

Zhilin I.N.


This disease in its mild forms can be found already at the age of 40-50 years. In etiology, in addition to lues and a solid group of moments associated with general constitutional suffering, a prominent role belongs to strong fluctuations in the affective area of \u200b\u200bthe patient's psyche. In the symptomatology of lesions of the head vessels, we found, in addition to objective data in general, atheromatosis of the arteries, apoplectic seizures, dizziness, headache, sleep disorders, slowing down and difficulty in thinking, a nested delimited nature of mental disorders, preservation of consciousness of the disease, oscillations during, its slow development and striking intolerance to alcohol.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):418-420
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Dr. Fig. Progressive paralysis and syphilis. Progressive Paralyse und Syphilis Correspondenzblatt f. Schweizer Aerszte, 1907

Kovalevsky P.I.


The question of the relationship of progressive paralysis to syphilis has not yet been resolved. The author asks the question: is there a histological difference between the pathological picture of syphilis and progressive paralysis? It follows from his research that progressive paralysis is a disease sui generis. The histological picture of the cerebral cortex is typical. This is a special form of cerebral syphilis. Painful process - chronic inflammation - degeneration of blood vessels stands out especially sharply.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):420-420
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Prof. Hughes Paresis, epilepsy and epileptoid os menaces to roelway safety. — The alienist and neurologist, 1908

Kovalevsky P.I.


The person driving a railway train is entrusted with the lives of hundreds of people, and therefore it is very important that this person be impeccable in terms of his physiological departures that could have a disastrous effect on the integrity of the train and the safety of the persons entrusted to it. From this point of view, it is very important that, by the way, this face be free from epileptic and epileptoid conditions. Even temporary epileptoid eclipses could be disastrous and cost the lives of hundreds of people.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):420-420
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Bokelmann. Epilepsy and its treatment. Modern clinic and therapy. № 10 & № 11 1908

Zhilin I.N.


The subject of the author's review is "real" epilepsy; he defines it as "a chronic disease of the nervous system, which is caused by a change of the brain, mainly the cerebral cortex, and is expressed clinically by periodic recurrence of seizures, resp' peculiar psychopathic states and a persistent change in mental personality. Suffering is generally based on a persistent “epileptic change” in the brain.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):422-423
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Frankel Heiden. Back pain therapy. From the time of. clinic and therapy. No. 6 and № 7 1908

Zhilin I.N.


Considering syphilis to be the main cause of the spinal cord, the author, nevertheless, looks very pessimistically at the results of specific therapy. Mercury is not able to prevent the development of the disease or significantly alleviate its course. The rest of the remedies and methods of treatment used for spinal dryness are recognized by the author only insofar as they are generally harmless, since the author tends to reduce their real benefit to zero.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):420-421
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Laignel-Lavastine et Boudon. ideational apraxia. Arguee ideatone. Revue neurol. 1909, № 4

Osokin N.E.


A case is described in detail concerning a 54-year-old seamstress whose medical history falls into 3 periods: 1-Slow and progressive decline in mental activity with amnesia and complete inability to perform normal work, 2nd period with a more extensive mental disorder, 3rd period after a few months from the onset of the disease was expressed by a significant improvement.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):417-418
pages 417-418 views

Prof. L. V. Blumenau. Human brain. Vyi. III. (Varioli bridge and cerebellum). SPb. 1909

Favorsky A.E.


The issue that has just been published contains everything essential on the macro and microscopic anatomy and physiology of the pons and cerebellum. According to the plan adopted by the author in previous issues, the description of tissue elements and pathways is preceded by a macroscopic description, and all the latest literature on the subject is given.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):423-423
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Report on the doctoral dispute at the Imperial Kazan University, December 14, 1908 on the defense of the dissertation of the doctor F. Ya. Kitaev

Zhilin I.N.


On December 14, 1908, the doctor F. Ya. Kitaev, in the presence of the medical faculty, defended

dissertation for the degree of doctor of medicine, under the title:

"Obineration of swallowing movements". The work was carried out in the laboratory and under the supervision of Prof. N. A. Mislavsky.

The dissertator in his speech presented an outline of the history of the issue to which he devoted his work, and gave a concise review of the latter.

The first of the opponents to speak was Prof. Chuevsky, Having credited the author with the development of an interesting and complex issue, the opponent pointed out some external defects in the work.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):423-425
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Report on the doctoral dispute at the Imperial Kazan University of the scholarship holder of the doctor L. L. Fofanov

Zhilin I.Н.


On December 14, 1908, Professor L. L. Fofanov, a doctoral fellow, defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medicine in the presence of the Faculty of Medicine, under the title. To physiology n. depressoris attitude n. depressor to vasomotor centers. The work was carried out in the laboratory under the supervision of Prof. N. A. Mislavsky. In his introductory remarks, the dissertation gave a general overview of the issue, the development of which was directed by his research.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):425-427
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Хроника и смѣсь

Chronicle and mixture, Vol. XVI, № 2 (1909)

Baklushinskiy I.D.


Prof. Nikolai Mikhailovich Popov at a meeting of the 2nd p. May unanimously elected dean of the Medical Faculty of Novorossiysk University.

From the 1st to the 5th of June of the current year, the second All-Russian congress on pedagogical psychology will take place in St. Petersburg, in the premises of the Salt Town. The organizing committee includes: chairman, academician V. M. Bekhterev, comrades of the chairman A. A. Krogius, A. F. Lazursky, D. M. Levshin and A. P. Nechaev and members D. A. Dril, M. I Konorov, N. E. Rumyantsev, V. V. Uspensky, G. A. Falbork. L. G. Orshansky, Pr.-Assoc. Zhakov, N. K. Kulman, A. I. Zaginyaev, Ya. I. Dushechkin, S. Yu. Blumenau. V. V. Rakhmanov, N. I. Neklyudova, E. S. Dedyulina and others. The members of the congress can be teachers of higher and secondary educational institutions, doctors and persons who have declared themselves to be published works in the field of psychology and school hygiene. All those interested in educational psychology are allowed as guests.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):433-445
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Annals of society

Report on the activities of the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University for 1908

Pervushin V.P.


The past year is the seventeenth since the founding of the Society; the life of the Society during this reporting year went in the same direction as in previous years, and the Society, as far as its forces and resources allowed, carried out the program outlined 16 years ago. His activity was aimed at developing and elucidating issues of neurology and neuropathology in the broad sense of the word, mainly those that attract the attention of specialists either by their novelty, or by their originality, or rarity.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):427-432
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Chronicle of the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University of February 25, 1909

Darkshevich L.O., Pervushin V.P.


Presided over by prof. L. O. Darkshevich with the secretary Dr. V. P. Pervushin. Actions were present. members: prof. V. P. Osipov, N. A. Mislavsky, I. M. Dogel, V. F. Orlovsky, I. A. Chuevsky; Drs. N. A. Donskov, A. V. Favorsky I. A. Veselitsky, A. S. Segel, F. Ya. Kitaev, V. I. Nikolaev, M. A. Chalusov, G. I. Sorokovikov, A S. Sholomovich. Guests: Drs. N. E. Osokin, M. N. Cheboksarov, N. K. Goryaev, V. K. Voroshilov, S. A. Bolberg, I. I. Tsypkin, Shibkov, Lyubenetsky, Nikolskaya, Nikiforova, Bronnikov and up to 100 people predominantly medical students.

Real member A.V. Favorsky made a report: “A case of syringobulbomyelia (with a demonstration of a patient from the clinic of nervous diseases of I.K.U.)”.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):454-459
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Chronicle of the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University of December 17, 1908

Darkshevich L.O., Pervushin V.P.


Dr. Pervushin. An interesting report by I. A. is supported by such convincing anatomical and physiological data concerning the treated area that one can fully agree with his conclusions regarding the nature of the painful phenomena of the described case. Only on the question of the participation in this case of the lesion of the spinal cord itself, I would take a somewhat different view, or rather be more categorical: there was no direct lesion of the spinal cord; if this were allowed, in view of the increase in tendon reflexes on the left leg and Achilles on the right, then it would be necessary to assume that the knife, penetrating the spinal canal on the left and injuring the roots of the left side, penetrated the substance of the brain, passing on the left and on its right side, which caused damage to the rights. pyramidal bundle and caused an increase in tendon reflexes not only on the left, but also on the right. With such a mechanism, however, a number of corresponding spinal symptoms would be observed, which was not the case. The increase in the mentioned reflexes could be explained, perhaps, by the pressure on the spinal cord of the hematoma.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):445-448
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Chronicle of the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University dated January 28, 1909

Darkshevich L.O., Sholomovich A.S.


Presided over by prof. L. O. Darkshevich, with the secretary A. S. Sholomovich. Messrs. current members: prof. V. P. Osipov, I. A. Chuevsky, V. F. Orlovsky, Dr. V. P. Pervushin, V. V. Nikolaev, A. G. Shuler, A. Veselitsky, V. I. Levchatkin, A V. Favorsky, V. N. Osipova, N. A. Donskov; guests; Dr. N. E. Osokin, M. M. Khomyakov, I. I. Troitsky, B. P. Enokhin, Shibkov, S. A. Bolberg, Nikolskaya, Tupitsyn, Trubina and over 50 senior medical students.

Valid. member A. G. Schuler demonstrated a patient with tabic arthropathy; radiographs and photographs are shown.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):448-454
pages 448-454 views

Chronicle of the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University of February 25, 1909

Darkshevich L.O., Pervushin V.P.


Presided over by prof. L. O. Darkshevich with the secretary Dr. V. P. Pervushin. Actions were present. members: prof. V. P. Osipov, N. A. Mislavsky, I. M. Dogel, V. F. Orlovsky, I. A. Chuevsky; Drs. N. A. Donskov, A. V. Favorsky I. A. Veselitsky, A. S. Segel, F. Ya. Kitaev, V. I. Nikolaev, M. A. Chalusov, G. I. Sorokovikov, A S. Sholomovich. Guests: Drs. N. E. Osokin, M. N. Cheboksarov, N. K. Goryaev, V. K. Voroshilov, S. A. Bolberg, I. I. Tsypkin, Shibkov, Lyubenetsky, Nikolskaya, Nikiforova, Bronnikov and up to 100 people predominantly medical students.

Real member A.V. Favorsky made a report: “A case of syringobulbomyelia (with a demonstration of a patient from the clinic of nervous diseases of I.K.U.)”.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(2):454-459
pages 454-459 views

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