Vol XVII, No 2 (1910)

Original article

Hysteria, stigmatization and hysterical perjury

Kovalevsky P.I.


Hysteria is the most widespread disease in our enlightened society. Who does not know her and where you will not meet her ... Previously, they thought that only a woman had her. The facts of life have completely refuted this opinion, and although it is less common in men than in women, men still often suffer from it. It used to be thought that hysteria is a disease of wealthy, pampered, spoiled people, but a study of soldiers showed that hysteria is not uncommon even between soldiers from the simple strata of the population ... It used to be thought that girls suffer from hysteria, less often ladies, and, perhaps, occasionally young men. But observations have shown that children are not spared from this disease. The reports of the French doctors Bezy, Berillon, Dastarak and many others have given us a very vivid picture of childhood hysteria, not much different from adult hysteria.

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):171-224
pages 171-224 views

A case of marital dorsal tabes

Osokin N.E.


The case histories cited in this report refer to the husband and wife of N.), who have absolutely identical painful symptoms, which developed in both almost simultaneously.

Husband, 58 years old, a mechanic by profession, married for a long time, children are healthy. I drank vodka in moderation. At the end of 1903, i.e., 6 years ago, he contracted syphilis and, upon the onset of secondary phenomena, withstood two courses of mercury rubbing. The following year, he suffered from acute polyarthritis. The real disease came in 1906, i.e., 3 years after infection with syphilis.

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):225-227
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Fundamentals of recognition and classification of mental illness

Osipov V.P.


The recognition of various diseases, pathological conditions of the human body, is based on several principles, the application of which in each individual case seems to be more or less significant in their totality or in one or another predominant grouping.

Applying the clinical principle in the broad sense of the word to elucidate a pathological state, we try first of all to determine those subjective and objective signs that characterize a given suffering, i.e., we try to determine its clinical symptom complex; often this is enough to recognize the disease and even to predict its further course, and sometimes this also establishes the etiology of the disease; but this is not always the case; on the contrary, in many cases, a single examination of the patient is insufficient, and in order to clarify the properties of the disease, to establish a firm recognition, more or less prolonged observation of the patient is necessary in order to study the development of the clinical symptom complex over time, its modification, in order to observe new symptoms, in order to studying the course of the disease.

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):228-245
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Innervation of the vessels of the nasal mucosa

Chalusov M.A.


The innervation of the vessels of the nasal mucosa in physiology has been little studied, therefore, in the literature on issues of innervation of the vascular regions, I found only indications of changes in the lumen of the vessels of the skin of the nose under various circumstances. The present pilot study aims to fill this gap. I made my experiments mainly on dogs and partly on cats; only 24 experiments were delivered. But before presenting the results of the experiments, I consider it necessary to make a brief indication of the innervation of the nasal mucosa in general.

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):246-271
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Psychasilienia and obsessions

Obraztsov V.N.


The question of obsessive mental states is one of the most interesting questions of modern neuropathology and psychiatry. Closely adjoining, on the one hand, neuropathology and even going far into the realm of ordinary life, on the other hand, it is no less closely in contact with psychiatry, contributing to the understanding of various phenomena of psychopathology. A vast area of observations, in their content freely attributable to mental anomalies, however, cannot be attributed exclusively to psychiatry, apparently on the basis that the completely conscious attitude of the patient to his own sensations, understood by him as a morbid state, makes it difficult to speak of him as about the mentally ill in the ordinary sense of the word.

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):272-298
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Prevention and hygiene of the nervous system of children, as a measure in the fight against their morbidity and mortality

Sukhov A.A.


Heavy and terrible is our modernity, and especially our suffering homeland. And on this day of commemoration of the glorious champion for her, we will devote our conversation to what, among the many sufferings of the motherland, the soul of Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov grieved. The gloomy name of our commission on the mortality of children in our country already speaks clearly of the terrible disaster that radically undermines the health and future of Russia.

The mortality of our childhood and adolescence is rapidly progressing: the soil that gives birth to childhood is falling, it is weakening in the fight against diseases, it is being destroyed by the dark forces of the surrounding community, the ignorance of the environment, the profanity of school and family.

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):299-319
pages 299-319 views

On the question of the action of muscarine and atropine on the heart

Nikolaev V.V.


Since Schmiedeberg's publication of his classic work on muscarine and its action on the heart (Das Muscarin. Das giftige Alcaloid des Fliegenpilzes-Agaricus Muscarius L. - V. Dr. O. Schmiedeberg u. Dr. Richard Corre. 1869), a view has been established on the mechanism of action of muscarine is such that muscarine causes cardiac arrest due to irritation of the vagus nerve in the heart; in this case, cardiac arrest can be eliminated, as the above-mentioned author has shown, by the introduction of atropine, which paralyzes the endings of n. vagi. Prof. Kravkov, in his 1907 textbook Fundamentals of Pharmacology, emphasizes in particular that “the action of muscarine is concentrated on the endings n. vagi". Schmiedeberg has not changed his view on the action of muscarine and atropine to this day, which is clear from his "Grundriss der Pharmakologie" - 1909, although I produced and published in 1894 the work "On the question of the innervation of the frog heart (Neurological Bulletin and Arch. f. Anatomie u. Physiologie) could give rise to a reservation regarding the vagus nerve.

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):320-323
pages 320-323 views

III Congress of Russian Psychiatrists

Donskov N.A.


The Congress of Russian psychiatrists and neuropathologists held in St. Petersburg, the third in a row, lasted from December 27, 1909 to January 5, 1910. The interest of the program, the practical and scientific importance of the program issues outlined, and partly the relatively free time - the Christmas holidays - attracted almost twice as many members as the previous session in Kiev in 1905; A total of 275 people signed up. On the eve of the opening of the Sezd on December 26, an organizational office was opened in the Pirogov Museum, where the visiting participants of the Sezd received entrance tickets for a detailed program and could find out the order of the day. On the evening of the 26th, a friendly meeting took place, at which prof. Bekhterev and Chachott greeted the audience. The grand opening of the Sezd took place on December 27 in the Alexander Hall of the City Duma.

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):324-353
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Zh. I. Gurevich. About neurofibrils and their changes under certain pathological conditions. SPB. 1908 Doctor of Medicine thesis

Favorsky A.E.


The whole work, written in an easily understandable and literary language, can be divided into two parts. In the first, the author tries to clarify the confusing and contradictory doctrine of neurofibrils on the basis of more advanced methods for staining fibrils. Analyzing the existing methods for staining fibrils, the author gives preference to the Donaggio method, since it does not cause wrinkling of cells and, in addition (with some modification), both fibrils and Nissl bodies can be stained simultaneously.

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):354-356
pages 354-356 views

A I. Golovkov. To the question of pathological changes in muscles in Thomson's disease (Myotonia congenita). - Proceedings and protocols of the Imper. Kavk. honey. Society. October - January 1909 - 1910

Baklushinsky I.D.


The author was able to examine under a microscope and photograph the microscopic picture of the bicip muscle. brach. sin. who died of myot. cong. He found in the muscle a weakly expressed transverse banding, a rather sharp longitudinal one, hyperplasia of the muscle nuclei and hypertrophy of the muscle fibers; cloudy swelling of the muscle parenchyma and greater development of the sarcoplasm. The author simultaneously studied the muscle of an accidentally dead (killed) person. The author illustrates his observations with photograms of a microscopic picture of both healthy and diseased muscles.

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):356-357
pages 356-357 views

A.I. Yushchenko. On the physiology of the thyroid gland: on the fatty and oxidative enzymes of the gland and the influence of the latter on lipolytic and oxidative processes in the blood. — Archive of Biological Sciences. T. XVth, no. 3-rd and 4-th 1910

Baklushinsky I.D.


The thyroid gland, according to the author, has a strong influence on the lipolytic and oxidative functions of the body. Using for his experiments fresh and dried organs of various animals, the author, on the basis of the action of the extract of these organs on fats, comes to the conclusion that the thyroid gland produces an enzyme that decomposes fats; in quantity and strength of the lipolytic enzyme, it is second only to the pancreas and liver.

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):357-358
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I.V. Zavadsky. Gyrus pyriformis. — Archive of Biological Sciences. T. XV, no. 3rd and 4th, 1910

Baklushinsky I.D.


On the basis of his experiments with conditioned reflexes of salivation in normal dogs and after the removal of their posterior lower parts of the cerebral hemispheres (gg. pyriform., corn. Ammonis), the author comes to the following conclusions: With bilateral partial and complete destruction of g. pyriformis and the adjoining part of cornus Ammonis, there is never a complete loss of olfactory function; Temporary disappearance; Conditioned odor reflexes to salivation; There is no data to attribute gg. pyriform.

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):357-357
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S. M. Nikolsky. Dermographomftr is a device for determining the degree of dermography. - Proceedings and protocols of the Imper. Caucasian honey. Society. October - January 1909 - 1910

Baklushinsky I.D.


The author recommends his own device for the production of dermography, which accurately captures a certain area of the skin (5 mm) when irritated, produces a precisely defined pressure and acts on this area of the skin for a precisely measured amount of time (0.5 seconds).

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):358-359
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K. G. Pavelko. About children's nervousness in general, about the importance of studying it for teachers and science and about the preservation of health in the widespread sense, and about the value of dermography as a physical objective sign of children's nervousness. - Proceedings and protocols of the Imper. Caucasus. honey. Society. October - January 1909 - 1910

Baklushinsky I.D.


In a rather extensive article, the author, clarifying for pedagogy and its representatives the importance of distinguishing nervous children, insists on the unconditional merit of dermography, as a sign that is quite accessible to every researcher and objectively indicating, according to the author’s observations, quite reliably on nervousness, i.e., on a predisposition to such called functional nervous diseases. In support of his position, the author refers to his personal observations, in which dermography has always justified the importance attributed to it.

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):359-359
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V.P. Fedorov. About the paralysis of pregnant women Practical. Doctor 1910 No. 11, 12, 13

Baklushinsky I.D.


Having described a case of central paralysis in one pregnant woman, the author, on the basis of this case and on the basis of the literature collected on this issue, comes to the conclusion that such diseases depend on autointoxication of the pregnant woman. In the case under consideration, there were no other causes of paralysis other than pregnancy, and the paralysis soon disappeared after childbirth. Numerous literary references to paralysis of a different nature in pregnant women fully confirm the author's idea. According to the author, pregnancy causes the body to produce some kind of gloxips, which, along with other specific diseases of pregnant women (uncontrollable vomiting, eclampsia, etc.), also cause diseases of the nervous system (various neuritis, paralysis, psychosis, etc.).

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):359-359
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V.P. Fedorov. About the paralysis of pregnant women Practical. Doctor 1910 No. 11, 12, 13

Baklushinsky I.D.


Having described a case of central paralysis in one pregnant woman, the author, on the basis of this case and on the basis of the literature collected on this issue, comes to the conclusion that such diseases depend on autointoxication of the pregnant woman. In the case under consideration, there were no other causes of paralysis other than pregnancy, and the paralysis soon disappeared after childbirth. Numerous literary references to paralysis of a different nature in pregnant women fully confirm the author's idea. According to the author, pregnancy causes the body to produce some kind of gloxips, which, along with other specific diseases of pregnant women (uncontrollable vomiting, eclampsia, etc.), also cause diseases of the nervous system (various neuritis, paralysis, psychosis, etc.).

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):359-359
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B. M. Dolgolal. To the casuistry of damage to the ulnar nerve after typhoid fever. Prakt. Doctor. 1910 No. 12

Baklushinsky I.D.


To the limited literature on this disease, the author adds a description of a case of this disease that he observed in the Odessa Jewish Hospital. The etiology of this suffering, according to the author, should be reduced to the action of the toxins of typhoid infection on the nervous system. In organic and mineral poisons, like alcohol and lead, we have examples of their toxic effect on the peripheral nervous system. The same effect of poisons can be in infectious diseases, in particular, in typhoid. Depending on the strength of the intoxication, neuritis can be temporary, become permanent, and even lead to the loss of the ability of the nerve fiber to undergo regeneration.

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):359-360
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A. M. Virshubsky. A case of combined lateral and posterior sclerosis. Practical Doctor. 1910 No. 15

Baklushinsky I.D.


The author describes a case of a disease in a 57-year-old man, from a family burdened with neuropsychiatric diseases, who suffered from 28 years of age. back with syphilis. The disease developed acutely and was characterized by: motor weakness of all limbs and partly of the muscles of the body, coordination disorders when standing and walking, slight rigidity of the arms and legs, increased knee reflexes, presence of Babinski'ago. hemianaestesia dextra, pain and thermal; the functions of the recti and vesicae were preserved, there were no muscle atrophies, the state of the cranial nerves and mentality was normal.

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):360-360
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S.V. Messing. About tabetic crises accompanied by fever. Russian Doctor. 1910 No. 6

Baklushinsky I.D.


The author cites three case histories of patients with tabes dors., where attacks of pain were accompanied by a significant increase in body temperature. According to the author's observation, the course of t° could not be influenced by extraneous causes, and its increase is determined by the main process. As for the reasons for such an increase in t °, the author puts it in direct connection with pain (in the cases cited, pain was always accompanied by fever) and the origin of both is explained by the action of toxins formed in the cerebral fluid and acting on the centers of the spinal, medulla oblongata and, perhaps, even, brain.

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):360-361
pages 360-361 views

Prof. V. F. Chizh. To the doctrine of neurasthenia. — Medical newspaper. 1910 Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9

Bogatyrev N.S.


Having pointed out at the beginning of his interesting article how loose and inconsistent modern concepts of neurasthenia are and how often any obscure disease of the nervous system is called by this name, Prof. Chizh says that the entire doctrine of neurasthenia needs to be completely revised. In the form of the first initiative for such a huge work, the author reports his many years of observation of patients who turned to him about the so-called. neurasthenia.

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):361-362
pages 361-362 views

A. A. Butenko. Reaction of urine with a solution of mercuric nitrous oxide (liq. Bellostii) in progressive paralysis. - Russian Doctor, 1910, No. 2.

Baklushinsky I.D.


Studying the urine of patients with progressive paralysis, the author, among other things, believed that with a solution of mercuric nitrous oxide (10%), the urine of such patients, when boiled, gives a gray and sometimes even black precipitate (Dr. Efimov's reaction is with worms). Such a reaction is more or less constant and is considered by the author to be an auxiliary “remedy for diff. paralysis diagnosis. He obtained a positive result in 84-91% of the patients with progressive paralysis studied by him.

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):362-362
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Prof. P. I. Kovalevsky. Syphilis and mental illness, - Practical Doctor, 1910 Nos. 3 and 4

Baklushinsky I.D.


There is no specific form of mental illness in syphilis: with it, all mental illnesses can develop, and only in different periods of syphilis do various diseases develop. In the 1st period of syphilis, mental illnesses are in the nature of intoxication and infectious psychoses, which proceed quite rapidly and give a favorable outcome during treatment.

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):362-263
pages 362-263 views

Journal of Psychotherapy. 1910, No. 1 - No. 2

Bogatyrev N.S.


A brief review of the publications presented in the journal Psychotherapy for 1910 in No. 1-No. 2, scientific works are presented, the authors are Yu., in the article by I. E. Osipov and the articles of the authors N. A. Vyrubov, P. D. Petkachev and E. N. Dovbny.

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):363-364
pages 363-364 views

Privatdozent K.K. Skrobansky. Experience in experimental development of the issue of the pathogenesis of eclampsia. - Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1910 January

Bogatyrev N.S.


Experimental studies of recent years are increasingly elucidating the importance of the placenta in the process of metabolism between the body of the fetus and its mother, and at the same time, the view that the placenta is a source of poisons, the entry of which into the body leads to the disease of eclampsia, is increasingly firmly established, although the conclusions reached in their studies, the authors sometimes differ significantly in details. Dr. Scrobansky sees a common defect in their experiments in the fact that they took exclusively human placenta for injection into animals.

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):364-365
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D. M. Uspensky. Pituitary Organ Therapy. — Practical. Doctor 1910, No. 7-8

Baklushinsky I.D.


Having clarified in detail the physiological role of the cerebral appendage (hypophysis cerebri) in the body, the author recommends the use of preparations of this gland for acromegaly, Basedow's disease, infectious diseases, idiocy and insomnia. Preparations, according to the author, should be used only sterile, in the form of physiological and glycerin extracts.

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):365-366
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A. L. Mentsikovsky. For the treatment of sexual weakness and urinary incontinence. Modification of the method of epidural-sacral injections according to Cathelin'y. Russian Doctor, 1910, No. 7

Baklushinsky I.D.


According to Cathelin, injections into the sacral canal produce a reflected irritation of the centers laid down in the lumbar spinal cord, and here they meant cases of urinary incontinence of paralytic origin and depression of the nerve centers of erection. The author of the article under review modified this method somewhat by injecting a saline solution with a few drops

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):366-366
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Prof. P. Dubois. Goals and ways of rational psychotherapy. Ziele und Wege einer ratiollen Psychotherapy. — Monatscher. f. d. hysik. - diat. Heilmeth. 6. H. 1909

Emdin P.


The article by a well-known neuropathologist-psychiatrist from Berg is of great interest, distinguished by his characteristic brilliant exposition, depth and originality of thought. Dubois points out that the modern clinic, in its ceaseless development of its experimental aspirations, has become too materialistic and has forgotten the "soul". Meanwhile, every practical doctor is well aware that the cure of the patient is due not so much to medicine as to psychotherapy. The author does not deny the obvious need for treatment with physical, material means of such diseases, which are based on material causes (trauma, infection, intoxication, diathesis), although here the influence of psychotherapy is quite large: physical treatment is faster and more expedient when the patient is in a cheerful, good mood; the patient must be able to make willingly and firmly follow the doctor's prescriptions - and this is the field of psychotherapy.

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):366-368
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Prof. W. Winternitz. Graves' disease and its physico-dietetic treatment. Morbus Basedovii und seine physikalisch-diätetische Behandlung. — Monatscher. f. d. physic. - diat. Heilmeth. I. Heft. 1910

Emdin P.


The famous hydrotherapist does not share the generally accepted view on the pathogenesis of Graves' disease, as always depending on the disease of the thyroid gland. In most cases, he thinks, the whole symptom complex of the disease, like changes in the gland, is a secondary phenomenon, depending on the disease of various organs. Where it is impossible to play a leading role, the process should be considered as hyperthyreoidism, not hypothyreoidism.

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):368-370
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From the life of psychiatric institutions

Sholomovich A.S.


The most interesting of the reports under consideration is the report on the psychiatric department of the Kharkov Provincial Zemstvo Hospital. First of all, attention is drawn to the intensive scientific activity of doctors of the provincial zemstvo hospital in general and psychiatrists in particular. anatomical and published 4 papers on psychiatry.

The largest group of reports at the conferences, pathological and anatomical, is connected, in all likelihood, with the activities of the dissector of the hospital, Professor N. F. Melnikov-Razvedenkov, who often personally delivered reports and demonstrations.

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):370-376
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N. N. Bazhenov. The history of the Moscow dolgauz, now the Moscow City Preobrazhenskaya Hospital for the mentally ill. - Moscow. 1909

Baklushinsky I.D.


The book was published on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Preobrazhenskaya Hospital. The author, in connection with the chronicle of the hospital, briefly reviews the history of psychiatric care in Russia in general, and thereby makes a contribution to the little developed history of psychiatry in Russia. In parallel with this, he acquaints the reader with the development of charity for the mentally ill in 3. Europe. All transitions in the view of the mentally ill, reflected in the forms of attitude towards them on the part of the administration and society, both in our country and abroad, are described by the author by periods, in some detail, with reference to documentary data. The attitude towards the mentally ill, as the sick, has been established in Russia only since 1762.

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):376-377
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Treasure. Soul suffering. — Kazan. 1909. 122 pages


A small book representing excerpts from the diary of one of the former patients of a psychiatric hospital. Interest lies both in the depiction of the author's flattering experiences, and in the description of the internal life of the hospital and those patients with whom the author had to live. The author's impression of the hospital is quite benevolent; From this side, we hope that the book will serve the purpose of disseminating among the general public the correct views on the internal life of asylums for the mentally ill and the attitude of the staff of asylums to the sick. It is high time to stop being afraid of comfortable institutions for the mentally ill.

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):377-377
pages 377-377 views

Хроника и смѣсь

Chronicle and mixture. Volume XVII, № 2 (1910)

Donskov N.A.


The organizing committee for the convocation of the First Congress of the Russian Union of Psychiatrists and Neurologists informs the comrades of the following: March 10, p. in Moscow there was a meeting of the commission with the powers of the council of the Union of Psychiatrists and Neurologists. The meeting was attended by V. K. Rot, A. N. Bernshtein, V. N. Ergolsky, R. N. Vanovsky, P. B. Gannushkin, N. A. Vyrubov. The meeting adopted the following resolutions: The commission imposes on the Moscow members of the commission the duties of an executive committee with the functions of an organizing committee. The Commission instructs the Executive Committee to be guided as an instruction by the paragraphs of the Articles of Association of the Union defining the functions of the Board and the Organizing Committee, and decides that the officers of the Executive Committee are at the same time officers of the Commission. The Commission decides to send agendas for meetings of the executive committee as far in advance as possible to all members of the commission. Send agendas for general meetings of the commission 10 days before the meeting.

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):383-389
pages 383-389 views

Annals of society

Report on the activities of the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University for 1909

Pervushin V.P.


The year ended is the eighteenth year of the life of the Society; its activity was aimed at the implementation of the same tasks as before, and was expressed in the development of the burning modern issues of neurology and neuropathology in the broad sense of these concepts by the available forces of the Society and its visitors and the publication of a special journal "Neurological Bulletin.

Last year, the Society had 9 regular scientific meetings, which took place in the premises of the Clinic of Nervous Diseases or in the auditorium of the Physiological Cabinet of the University on Wednesday evenings every month, except for summer vacation time. 21 messages were made on them.

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):377-382
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Chronicle of the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University, February 24, 1910

Darkshevich L.O., Voroshilov V.K.


The report of the visitor of the Student Society Viktor Nikolaevich Plaksin was heard: Materials on the issue of student fatigue.

Dr. Pervushin welcomes such a setting of experiments: one can objectively judge one or another teaching system. To solve such a complex problem as the problem of student fatigue, repeated experiments are required. Based on the materials presented by the speaker, it is impossible to draw conclusions as to which day of the week the greatest percentage of fatigue falls: there is an element of error. The class life is also affected by the previous day - what the students were busy with, how many lessons were on the eve - this is not in the report.

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):389-395
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Chronicle of the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University, March 24, 1910

Osipov V.P., Sholomovich A.S.


Dr. A. A. Opokin delivered a message: Toward the Recognition and Treatment of Traumatic Intracranial Suprapaholic Hemorrhages.

Prof. V. N. Tonkov. You gave Krönlein's classification. Now it is customary to distinguish between the median by the median plane and the median by location. What is yours?

Report Average by location.

A.V. Favorsky. What role could play in your diagnosis of aphasia if your patient was unconscious; the presence of consciousness is necessary for the diagnosis of aphasia.

Speaker. However, surgeons express themselves that way.

Neurology Bulletin. 1910;XVII(2):395-399
pages 395-399 views

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