Vol XV, No 3 (1908)

Original article

On the significance of the study of local reflexes in the study of the functions of the cerebral cortex

Bekhterev V.M.


In general, attention is deserved by the fact that in relation to movements we have in the cortex not one, but a number of centers. So, in relation to lateral eye movements, we have at least three centers that, when stimulated, produce the same effect in the form of lateral eye movement: frontal, occipital, and temporal. In relation to these centers, there are currently experimental and clinical data that leave no doubt that their function seems to be unequal.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(3):443-458
pages 443-458 views

"The structure of Uater-Pacini bodies and their physiological significance"

Mikhailov S.E.


Modern physiological methods are often completely unsuitable for the study of the functions of such tissue formations, which, from the side of morphological sciences, have already been studied in sufficient detail and accurately. Modern physiology is the physiology of entire organs and their systems, while regarding the cellular physiology of these organs, there are currently only fragmentary, separate and extremely fragmented facts. Even entire systems of such important organs as the terminal nervous apparatus, which have already been studied very carefully and morphologically. completely do not have departments corresponding to themselves in physiology, because up to the present time physiologists do not yet know the method that would allow them to start developing this department.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(3):460-490
pages 460-490 views

Hebephrenia Hecker-Kahlbaum and E. Kraepelin's teaching on dementia praecox

Obraztsov V.N.


In the 90s of the last century, to the arena of clinical psychiatry, the former Heidelberg, now Munich, prof. E. Kraepelin put forward a group of mental disorders under the name "dementia praecox" - early or premature dementia.

Since then, the question of dementia praecox has not left the pages of psychiatric literature; it is dealt with at conferences, special journals are devoted to it, but despite the 20-year existence of the issue, which grew in the Kraepelin's school into a whole doctrine, even now it cannot be considered definitively resolved.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(3):491-502
pages 491-502 views

Influence of mood on the speed of visual perceptions

Osipova V.N.


At the suggestion of Professor Academician V. M. Bekhterev in St. Petersburg in the psychological laboratory at the clinic of nervous and mental illnesses of the Military Medical Academy, I began work on the topic: “The influence of mood on the speed of visual perceptions.” I then had to continue and carry out research in this direction. in the Psycho-Physiological Laboratory of Prof. V. P. Osipov at the Department of Psychiatry at Kazan University.The data obtained allow me to publish some of the results in a preliminary report, while detailed information about my experiments will be reported in a special work.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(3):503-506
pages 503-506 views

To the clinical picture of polyneuritic psychosis

Sholomovich A.S.


More than 20 years ago Prof. Korsakov described several cases of polyneuritis combined with mental disorder, and 2 years later, in one of his articles on the same topic, he wrote: “I consider it necessary to pay attention once again to this form, because, in my opinion, it is too little known doctors, and meanwhile, it often has to be faced not only by psychiatrists, but also by doctors of other specialties; I will say even more: cases of this form in most cases are under the supervision not of psychiatrists, but of therapists or gynecologists, since the mental disorder I am describing develops in the course of postpartum, acute and infectious, and some chronic diseases.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(3):507-533
pages 507-533 views

Kolmovskaya psychiatric hospital of the Novgorod provincial zemstvo for the 20th century (from 1/IX-1886 to 1/XI-1906)

Nakhsidov G.G.


Comparing these data, we see that indeed, with the introduction of bed rest, the number of isolations has decreased, especially in the women's department, where it went down from 972 to 304 on average per year; however, by themselves 196 and 304, the number of isolations in the men's and women's departments during bed rest must be considered very large.

As is known, in Kolmov the physical work of the mentally ill was introduced almost from the first days of the administration of the Kolmov hospital by the Novgorod Zemstvo; they were introduced by the Administration not for a therapeutic purpose, but in the calculation of the material benefit from the work of the mentally ill.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(3):534-568
pages 534-568 views


Prophetic Dreams

Popov M.N.


Great are the advances that modern man is making in all branches of theoretical and practical knowledge! Every decade, almost every year brings us new discoveries; new horizons unfold before us, the existence of which we previously did not suspect; the mighty forces of nature obediently submit to you, becoming an obedient tool in our weak hands. And even the most ardent fantasy is now unable to imagine the limit to which we will reach.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(3):611-635
pages 611-635 views


Rosenberg. Fine structure of the first temporal gyrus and Heschle gyrus. Ueber die Cytoarchitectonik der ersten Schläfenwindung und der Heschlschen Windungen.— Monats-schrift fur Psych. and Neurolog. 1908-1

Sholomovich A.S.


In the named work, which came out of the laboratory of prof. Ziehen'a, the author sets out to histologically delimit the auditory sphere. To this end, he describes in detail the structure and layer-by-layer arrangement of the cells of the first temporal gyrus and the Heschle gyrus.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(3):569-570
pages 569-570 views

G. V. Fleisher. Materials for the chemistry of the gray matter of the brain. "Russian Doctor". No. 12. 1908

Zhilin I.N.


Having removed a layer of gray matter from the dog's bloodless brain, passing it through a sieve and centrifuging it, the author, using more or less complex methods of processing, tried to more accurately determine the chemical essence of the gray matter of the brain. The richness of substantiae grisiae in protein derivatives deserves special attention: the latter make up approximately ½ of the dense parts of substantiae. The content of lecithin is high. On the contrary, protagon and neurokeratin, apparently, are inherent only in the white matter of the brain, since these parts of the brain tissue were not discovered by the author's research.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(3):570-570
pages 570-570 views

H. frangais et R. lacques. Anatomical and clinical study of the case of softening in the area of the medulla oblongata and pons Varolii. "Revue neurologique" 1908. № 11

Osokin N.E.


A case is described where a patient has 44 hp. presenting some tabic symptoms, suddenly developed severe phenomena in the form of dizziness, balance disorder with a tendency to fall to the left, left-sided d’Avellis syndrome—characterized by a paretic state of the palatine curtain and larynx on one side, right-sided syringo-myelitic type anesthesia; myosis, narrowing of the palpebral fissure of the left eye, thermal asymmetry. The patient died two months later. Autopsy revealed three foci of softening throughout the medulla oblongata and pons.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(3):570-571
pages 570-571 views

S. D. Vladychko. To the pathology of the spinal cord in scleroderma. Kiev. University. Izvestia № 3 of 1908

Zhilin I.N.


The object of the author's observations was a patient with pronounced scleroderma covering almost the entire surface of the body. At the same time it was possible to state - goiter, seborrhoeam on the forehead and steatorrhoeam on the body, anhidrosim and a decrease in reflexes. Movement in the joints of the extremities by means of a gradual restriction became completely impossible towards the end of the patient's life. The muscles of the limbs atrophied, and the atrophy was degenerative in nature. The patient died in a state of deep cachexia - with symptoms of a decline in cardiac activity. The disease lasted only ten months.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(3):572-572
pages 572-572 views

I. Grosset et L. Rimband. A case of paraphasia "Revue neurologique" 1908 № 12

Osokin N.E.


In the described case, the patient is 42 liters. after a stroke, a speech disorder with the character of paraphasia was observed. The patient answered some questions correctly, but at times he began to stammer, babble incomprehensibly, and made mistakes in the knowledge of subjects. Everything he was told he understood clearly. There was no agraphia and no verbal blindness. In addition, mild paresis of the tongue and limbs of the right side was noted. On the 4th month of the disease the patient died of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(3):573-573
pages 573-573 views

Souques et Harvier Secretory neurosis Névrose sécretaire. „Revue neurology“. 1908 № 10

Osokin N.E.


The authors adhere to Babinski's view that the area of hysteria should be narrowed down, singling out all vasomotor and secretory disorders from the group of hysterical phenomena. The authors had to observe a 68-year-old patient suffering from increased sweating, which manifested itself especially sharply during sleep. The patient never had hysterics. seizures, suggestion had no effect on perspiration. The authors make the assumption that sleep is able to cause a change in the composition of the blood and thereby excite the secretory centers in the medulla oblongata.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(3):573-574
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M. Klippel et Francois-Dainville. Right-sided hemiplegia with motor aphasia of typhoid origin. "Revue nenroll." 1908, № 12

Osokin N.E.


The authors observed a 50-year-old patient who, at the age of 20, developed right-sided paralysis and complete motor aphasia during typhoid fever. During its observation by the authors, i.e. 30 years after the onset of the disease, the following was stated: right-sided hemiparesis with noticeable muscle weight loss, and in the arm this weight loss resembled Aran Duchenne's amyotrophy and a disorder of pain and thermal sensation in the peripheral parts of the affected limbs .

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(3):574-574
pages 574-574 views

P. M. Kamenetsky. To the casuistry of combined forms of Basedow's disease. Doctor. Newspaper, № 15 1908

Zhilin I.N.


The patient, who was under the supervision of the author, initially developed a symptom complex characteristic of Basedow’s disease, then symptoms appeared that indicated damage to the adrenal glands, Adisson’s disease. The latter was recognizable especially by the bronze coloration of the skin, which also extended to the visible mucous membranes. The author believes that the disease of the thyroid gland was also responsible for the damage to the adrenal glands: namely, under the influence of increased and pathological activity of the thyroid gland, an increase in the vitality of ecto-endodermal tissues and inhibition of the functions of mesodermal tissues occurred; the adrenal glands, as a derivative of the mesoderm, also began to decline in their function; the probable tuberculosis of these glands met in its development, thus, the ground had already been prepared.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(3):575-575
pages 575-575 views

Prof. Aschaffenburg. The latest theory of hysteria. Die neueren Theorien der Hysterie. Deutsche medicine. Wochenschr, 31 Oct. 1907

Berg F.


Report to the International Congress of Psychiatrists in Amsterdam in September 1907.

Until now, Aschaffenburg says, all psychiatrists, old and new, have not only failed to reach a final conclusion about the causes of hysteria, but even to characterize this disease with one specific picture, due to the variety of its symptoms, is difficult. The attempts of modern times, made by Freud and his followers, are reduced, in the opinion of the author, to the same narrow theory, which does not have sufficient substantiation, which existed in antiquity. It used to be thought that the causes of hysteria lay in the genital apparatus of the patient, whence the word "hysteria" comes from. Now Freud and his students say that the main cause of hysteria lies in the patient's sexual life, and therefore in everything connected with it.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(3):575-578
pages 575-578 views

N. Klieneberger. To the symptomatology of shaking paralysis. Beitrag zur Symptomatologie der Paralysis agitans. Monatschrift f. Psych. and Neurology. 1908-I

Sholomovich A.S.


We do not know, says the author, neither the etiology nor the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease, even the symptomatology has not been precisely established; although there is unanimity. the two main symptoms of trembling and rigidity, however, cases without trembling are described; at other points the difference of opinion is even greater; proceeding from the idea that the solution of controversial issues depends more on precisely developed casuistry than on theoretical reasoning, the author describes 2 cases of this infrequent illness observed by him in the Greifswald Psychiatric Clinic.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(3):578-579
pages 578-579 views

Triantafylides. On some neuroses of the abdominal sympathetic system. Report read at the Batumi Society of Doctors. 1908 Batum Det. ed.

Zhilin I.N.


The author devoted his research to the neuroses of the abdominal sympathici - the "solar system". The etiological basis of these neuroses is formed by external influences that deplete the body, mental upheavals, climatic conditions and, especially malaria in the analysis of the patient. The secondary participation of the solar system must be noted in the picture of various functional and organic sufferings of the nervous system. systems.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(3):579-580
pages 579-580 views

Dr. A. Gregor und dr. B. Hansel. Materials for the study of the disorder of external volitional manifestations. Experience of ergography in catatonia and melancholic mood

Sholomovich A.S.


The authors studied the qualitative difference between ergographic curves in different patients with these forms, from the obtained curves given in the article, the authors conclude: melancholic curves give a short and relatively low rise, descending steeply downwards and stretching for quite a long time in this position; the curves differ from the curves of normal people by their peculiarity of type: while in a healthy person fatigue shortens the curve, in a melancholic the increase in fatigue generally shortens it relatively little. The article is supplied with 12 curves and substantiated in great detail.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(3):580-581
pages 580-581 views

Ed. Cornu. On skin and eye reactions in psychiatry. (Annales Medico-Psychologiques. Mars-Avril. 1908)

Khudyakov A.I.


According to Calmeil, 4/5 deaths in souls. ill. happens from tuberculosis, and according to Marie et Rolet, their mortality rate is three times that of the rest of the French population, which is due to the insidious course of this disease, requiring the search for new diagnostic methods. The author gives a description of the scarrifying method of using tuberculin according to the method of Dr. Roux and subsequent development of grafting papule within 36 hours to 20 days.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(3):581-582
pages 581-582 views

Prof. Chizh. The significance of political life in the etiology of mental illness. Review of psychiatry, and experimental psychology. No. I-3. 1908

Zhilin I.


The author does not see, contrary to generally accepted views, the relationship between political events and cases of insanity supposedly on this basis. In his opinion, “the higher the civilization, the fuller, therefore, freedom, the more the frail and wretched survive, including the nervously and mentally ill.” And vice versa, the restriction of this freedom, the cruel suppression of attempts to win it, does not lead to an increase in the number of mentally ill people: perhaps predisposed persons fall ill, and then by chance, outside the direct influence of events, giving those reasons for doubtful conclusions about a causal relationship between illness and historical moment; the leaders of the movement, on the other hand, usually have the most gifted and steadfast spiritual organization, without prejudice to the moral upheavals of the revolutionary period.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(3):582-583
pages 582-583 views

A. N. Schmidt. On the treatment of nervous diseases with brine and mud baths. Journal of Neur. and psycho. them. Korsakov. No. I-2, 1908

Zhilin I.N.


The author describes the structure of the Saki mud bath, gives a brief account of the physiological action of the mud on the body, and gives the results—very positive—of treating neuralgia, polyneuritis, and meralgia with the Saki mud. In the treatment of syphilitic lesions of the spinal cord and its membranes, mud baths can serve as a very useful adjunct to specific therapy.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(3):584-584
pages 584-584 views

Dr. med. N. N. Reformatsky. Charity for the mentally ill in Berlin, Paris and Vienna. St. Petersburg. 1908

Sholomovich A.S.


Dispatched to the city and zemstvo administrations of the St. Petersburg city government, the bulk (about 500 pages), the book of Dr. Reformatsky presents a report of the author's trip abroad from the St. Petersburg City Administration. In the 4 indicated capitals, the author examined 18 psychiatric institutions, a similar description of which occupies almost the entire book.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(3):584-587
pages 584-587 views

Хроника и смѣсь

Chronicle and mix. Volume XV, № 3 (1908)

Baklushinskiy I.D.


Regarding the note on page 431 No. 2 “Nevr. Vestn." Prof. V. F. Chizh told us that he was present at the death penalty for scientific purposes and is currently busy with work on the psychology of the executed.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(3):590-599
pages 590-599 views

Письмо в редакцию

IV. International thalassotherapy meeting in Abbazia in 1908

Pel A.V.


In September 1908 (from 15/28 to 17/30 Sept.) in the city of Abbation (Austria) the IV International Congress on Thalassotherapy will be held.

The previous 3rd international congress on thalassotherapy (in Biarritz in 1907) marked the following issues for discussion at this year's congress:

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(3):588-589
pages 588-589 views

Annals of society

Chronicle of the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University. Volume XV, № 3 (1908)

Darkshevich L.O., Pervushin V.P.


Prof. N. A. Mislavsky. You cite two cases from the literature where exitus depended on the defeat of nn. vagi et phrenici, and in one of them Waller's Regeneration of the nerve was also stated. In one of your cases, you also consider the cause of death to be the defeat of nn. vagi et phrenici; there is no "breathing curve" in the presented sheets. Why do you put the disorder of breathing here in dependence on the alleged damage to the indicated nerves? What phenomena gave the right to diagnose this lesion?

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(3):600-609
pages 600-609 views

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