Vol XV, No 2 (1908)

Original article

To the etiology of catatonia

Osipov V.P.


Kahlbaum, the founder of the doctrine of catatonia, presents the etiology of this mental disorder as follows: hereditary predisposition does not have any significant significance as a cause of catatonia, just as it is not essential for the progressive paralysis of the insane; Kahlbaum noted an unfavorable psychopathological heredity in only 4 of the 50 cases of catatonia known to him. The value of gender and age is inversely related to the value of these factors for the incidence of progressive paralysis, namely: women fall ill with catatonia no less than men; further, each age, starting from the period of manhood and even from the last years of childhood, up to the senile years, is subject to the disease almost evenly, with a predominance of the disease in the first half of the middle years.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):224-252
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Theory of knowledge from the point of view of energy psychology

Krainsky N.V.


The majestic halls of the temple of human knowledge, called science, were built by long efforts and mental work of countless generations of our ancestors. The owner of modern knowledge, a civilized person, comprehended the laws of the world and, having studied the connection between phenomena, by the intervention of his personal will, as a physical force, cleverly applied to a system of levers, subjugated nature and became its actual ruler.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):253-297
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To the question of neuro-psychic hygiene in the development and education of youth: the sexual question from the point of view of the prevention and hygiene of the nervous system

Sukhov A.A.


(Report at a public meeting on March 16, 1907 of the commission to combat child mortality, dedicated to the memory of G. N. Gabrichevsky).

At the December meeting named after N. I. Pirogov, our commission, in a number of other reports, instructed me to highlight the issue of hygiene and prevention of the nervous system of children and adolescents.

In my report, I already argued that in the etiology of the weakening and morbidity of the nervous system of adolescence, one of the main factors is anti-hygiene in general and in particular in relation to the sexual question.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):298-318
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Kolmovskaya Psychiatric Hospital of the Novgorod Provincial Zemstvo for XX years (from I/XI 1886 to I/XI 1906)

Nakhsidov G.G.


In our hospital, as in other zemstvo psychiatric hospitals, reports are annually submitted to the Provincial Zemstvo Assembly; no matter how carefully and in detail these reports were compiled, but in view of the fact that they consider only one current year, often without comparison with previous years, the digital data on the number of patients treated, on their movement according to the type of disease, are small, due to all this, these reports cannot elucidate the various questions of practical and theoretical psychiatry; the summation of data over a long period of time will undoubtedly be of great service for the clarification of many questions.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):319-352
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A case of psychoneurosis with the reflection of literary images in delusional ideas

Osokin N.E.


In the history of psychiatry, one can find a sufficient number of examples of the reflection on delusions and hallucinations of the mentally ill of various social movements, as well as discoveries, inventions and ideas that excite society. So, in knightly times, erotic insanity was relatively often observed, in the era of the Crusades, cases of religious delirium; under Bonaparte, during the appointment of kings by him, many kings and queens appeared in asylums for the insane, at present, many mentally ill people in Russia, even the feeble-minded, in a number of their delusional ideas, have ideas related to current events.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):353-360
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To the innervation of the swallowing movement

Kitaev F.Y.


In total, we made 34 experiments, exclusively on dogs. Of these experiments, only 23 experiments are described, in a more or less abbreviated form; the rest are either unsuccessful or not of great interest, repeating the results of the described experiments

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):361-395
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H. Claude et F. Rose. Spinal cord compression in great hysteria. Syndrome de compression médullaire chez une grande hysterique. "Revue neurologique" 1908. No. 2.

Osokin N.E.


In the case described by the author, the case concerns a 22-year-old patient, who, by the time of puberty, had become very nervous; after the rape committed against her, she suffered for some time from stasobasophobia, from which, however, she soon freed herself. The real illness began 4 years ago with pains in the left leg, as a result of which the patient spent two years in bed.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):395-397
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M. Klippel et F. Dainville. Syphilitic meningo-myelitis with a rapid course. Meningomyélite syphilitique a marsche rapide. "Revue neurologique", 1908, no. 4.

Osokin N.E.


This case is of interest in terms of etiology, anatomical changes and pathogenesis. In an etiological sense, because here any other harmful moment is completely excluded, except for acquired syphilis. A 23-year-old patient, 7 years before the onset of the disease, married a syphilitic patient. 3 weeks later had ulcus durum and then secondary phenomena. Never received specific treatment.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):397-398
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G. Mingazzini. To the casuistry of paralysis developing after a change in spinal cord disease Contribution a Pétude des paralysies consécutives a la rachistovainisation. „Revue neurology“. 1908, No. 5

Osokin N.E.


The author reports a case in which, after spinal anesthesia with stovaine, taken for surgery on a varicocele, a symptom complex of Erb'a disease (myasthenia pseudoparalytica) developed. A 16-year-old patient comes from a family with severe heredity.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):398-399
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A. Souques. Relative splitting of musculoskeletal sensitivity in lesions of the medulla oblongata „Revue neurology“. 1908, No. 6

Osokin N.E.


The subject of the article was a case diagnosed as Malum Potti suboccipitalis in the period of consolidation of the affected vertebrae, expressed from the side of the neuromuscular apparatus by the following painful phenomena: atrophy of the tongue, paresis n. abducentis d., spastic paralysis of all four limbs, a sharp disorder of the muscular and stereognostic senses with a very slight decrease in other types of sensitivity.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):399-399
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Dr. Cesare Frugoni. About some respiratory changes of central] origin. Neurologisches Centralblatt. 1908. No. 5

Veselitsky I.A.


It has long been known that certain diseases of the central nervous system can cause abrupt changes in respiration, mainly of its type, between which one can recall the type of respiration of Biot and Sheine-Stokes. so-called dissociated respiration.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):399-402
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Privatdozent N. Ostankov. "Gastric crises of tabetic morphine origin". Review of Psychiatry. No. I. 1908

Zhilin I.N.


"Hematomyelia complicated by the symptoms of Basedow's disease": the entire content of Dr. Shapiro's article is a description of the corresponding case.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):402-402
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A. E. Shcherbak. "About the Arts. evoking, with the help of vibration of some non-constant reflexes. "Journal of neuropathology and psychiatry named after S. S. Korsakov. No. I. 1908

Zhilin I.N.


In the work of A. E. Shcherbak, experiments using this method and their results are described.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):402-403
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Ermakov. "Epilepsy in the Russian-Japanese War" Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry named after S. S. Korsakov. No. I, 1908

Zhilin I.N.


Most of the epileptics who were under the supervision of the author were taken into the service already sick with epilepsy - very few only for the first time in the war showed their disease, but even in this case it was possible to ascertain the presence of epileptic diathesis.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):403-403
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Kramer. "To the question of the periodic paralysis of the limbs." Journal of neuropathology and psychiatry named after S. S. Korsakov. No. I, 1903

Zhilin I.N.


A case of a similar disease of the nervous system is described. Its usual picture is that in the absence of any disorders on the part of consciousness, cranial nerves, sphincters and sensitivity, symmetrical paralysis of the muscles of the neck, trunk and limbs occurs from time to time with complete extinction of tendon reflexes and a sharp decrease in electrical excitability.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):403-404
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Journal of neuropathology and psychiatry named after S. S. Korsakov. No. 1. 1908

Zhilin I.N.


Dr. Lazarev was able to observe a rare case of typical "meralgia in the distribution area of n. cutanei femoris medii", while n. cutaneus extern is usually affected. It was assumed that the nerve in the vascular bundle was compressed by glands, but it was not possible to verify this by operation.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):404-404
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Privatdozent Shkarin. Basedow's disease at an early age. Medical newspaper. No. 2. 1908

Zhilin I.N.


Based on the relevant literature and personal experience, the author comes to the following conclusions about the features of the course of Basedow's disease in childhood: the disease proceeds faster than in adults; pulse arrhythmia is extremely rare; goiter - insignificant; exophthalmus—weak; the symptoms of Graefe, Möbius and Stellwag are rare; children are growing rapidly.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):404-404
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Doctors Buchshtab and Huvin. To the clinic of paralysis of the diaphragm. Medical newspaper. Kg 3. 1908

Zhilin I.N.


Three cases of diaphragmatic paralysis have been described. The attention of the authors was caught by the semiotics of this disease.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):404-405
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Doctor Markevich. To the casuistry of tetany. "Russian doctor". No. 3. 1908

Zhilin I.N.


A case of tetanic convulsions is described, which appeared annually with periodic attacks and attributed by the author, according to Hochwart's classification, to the Arbeiter Tetanie group.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):405-405
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Doctor Pussep. About acute half-edema of the body. "Russian doctor". No. 3. 1908

Zhilin I.N.


The author observed a very rare case of an acutely developed half edema of the body with simultaneous hemiplegia, which soon turned into hemiparesis

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):405-405
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Brodsky. On the influence of the events of the revolutionary period on the course of tabes dorsalis. Medical review No. 5 - 1908

Zhilin I.N.


The author considers four cases of tabes'a, in which, under the influence of a moral shock, severe ataxia developed extremely quickly. All four patients who were under the supervision of the author turned out to be, in one way or another, participants in the events that took place during the memorable revolutionary period of Russian life.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):406-406
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Egiz. To the casuistry of cerebral hemiplegia of diphtheria origin. Medical review No. 5. 1908

Zhilin I.N.


In a diphtheria girl, treated with complete success with the appropriate serum, on the eighth day of the disease, paresis of the soft palate appeared along with the phenomena of myocarditis, on the thirteenth day a complete left-sided hemiplegia was found.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):406-407
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R. Cassirer. Vasomotor - trophic neuroses. Modern class and therapy. No. 2. 1908.

Zhilin I.N.


The author gives an outline of these diseases, examining them in many ways and, moreover, using the latest data obtained recently in this field of neuropathology. The subject of the conscientious description of the author are: acroparesthesia, Raynaud's disease, erythromelalgia, scleroderma and flying edema. Of interest are the author's views on the pathogenesis of these sufferings.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):407-407
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A. S. Rosenthal. Lumbar puncture and its application to the recognition of mental illness. Medical review. 1908. Volume LXIX, No. 7.

Glushkov N.A.


The question of lumbar puncture and its application in psychiatry is beginning to serve as the subject of a number of studies and observations. Unfortunately, as far as limited literature is rich in such works, our domestic literature is so poor in original reports of this kind, therefore the work of Dr. Rosenthal that appeared in our literature deserves attention.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):407-410
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V. M. Bekhterev. "On the Relationship Between Mental and Nervous Diseases". Review of Psychiatry. No. I. 1908

Zhilin I.N.


Mental and mental diseases, being in close connection with each other, at the same time adjoin general somatic diseases, since in both cases “we are talking about general autointoxications and intoxications of the body, the influence of which (in mental illness) is predominantly the higher centers of the brain “.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):410-410
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Modern Psychiatry No. 2, 1908

Zhilin I.N.


The author successively examines the views of Trélat, Falret, Koch and Ziehen on this subject. He finds that the material to be studied by these scientists should have been narrowed “firstly, in quantitative terms—that is, it is necessary to more precisely limit the cases to be described; Secondly, in terms of quality, That is, it is necessary to describe not the general symptomatology of transitional states, but the clinic of these forms, the clinic of the boundaries of mental illness.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):410-411
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Doctor Sukhanov. Cyclothymia and psychasthenia and their relation to neurasthenia. "Russian doctor". No. 3. 1908

Zhilin I.N.


The author finds that "neurasthenia" is a group designation often of such mental states, which can be successfully distinguished as independent forms, along with "neurasthenia" that included them.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):411-412
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Rosenbakh P. Ya. Evaluation of the doctrine of manic-depressive psychosis. "Russian doctor". No. 2. 1908

Zhilin I.N.


This article contains a critique of some features of Kraepelin's grouping of psychoses, to whose views the author is generally opposed. The author, for example, proposes to significantly narrow the scope of the forms united in "dementia paracex", leaving for the latter diseases in which "the case begins with extremely variable phenomena - oppression or excitement, fragmentary delusions with deceptions of the senses and mild confusion, and already after a few months from the onset of the disease, a very noticeable dementia is established, firmly seizing the patient.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):412-413
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Doctor Podyapolsky. "About chloroform sleep". Journal of neuropathology and psychiatry named after S. S. Korsakov. No. I. 1908

Zhilin I.N.


Chloroform sleep, like natural sleep, is suggestible. At its expense, perhaps, it is possible to attribute deaths due to anesthesia. The emotion of fear, an infinitely growing and overwhelming drugged person, can be the cause of the death of a patient who is helpless before self-hypnosis and suggestion.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):413-413
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Privat-Associate Professor Seletsky. "Dissociation of representations and its meaning". Journal of neuropathology and psychiatry named after S. S. Korsakov. No. I. 1908

Zhilin I.N.


From observations of the mentally ill, the author came to the conclusion that visual representations turn out to be less durable than the corresponding auditory ones, and that with the progressive decay of the intellect, first the first, then the second are lost, after which the patient passes on to a purely plant life.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):413-414
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Doctor Korovin. To the method of studying the alcoholism of the individual. Medical newspaper. 1908 No. 2

Zhilin I.N.


The author proposes eleven provisions that have an equilateral coverage of the study of personality alcoholism, a kind of systematic research program that should be used to obtain both private and general conclusions.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):414-414
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Professor A. Strumpell. To pathology and therapy of bronchial asthma. Modern class and therapy. No. 2. 1908

Zhilin I.N.


The author believes that a real attack of bronchial asthma is always caused by a special vasomotor and secretory disorder in the mucous membrane, mainly small bronchioles, resulting in acute diffuse bronchiolar stenosis.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):414-414
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Private Associate Professor Levkovsky. Scheme of the course of the fibers of the facial nerve. Kharkov. 1907

Markelov G.I.


Most of the fibers of the facial nerve seem to consist of only two nerves: central and peripheral. The cell of the central neuron lies in the cerebral cortex, its axial cylinder, which makes up the nerve fiber, ends in the nucleus n. facialis, where it comes into contact with a peripheral neuron.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):415-417
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L. V. Blumenau. Human brain. Anatomical and physiological introduction to the clinic of nervous and mental illnesses. Issue I. St. Petersburg. 1907

Markelov G.I.


The first edition of this manual consists of three chapters. The first of them is devoted to the tissue elements of the brain. Here, for 25 pages, the history and current state of the study of neurons are outlined, the internal structure of nerve cells is described, and in conclusion a brief outline of the embryological development of tissue elements is presented.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):417-417
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Report on a doctoral dispute at the Imperial Kazan University April 6, 1908

Zhilin I.N.


The doctor N. A. Sinakevich defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Medicine under the title “On the question of the vasomotor nerves of the thyroid gland.

In the introductory speech, the dissertator outlined a brief history of the issue. (See Neurological Bulletin, Vol. XIV, nos. 3-4).

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):418-419
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Хроника и смѣсь

Chronicle and mix. Volume XV, № 2 (1908)

Baklushinskiy I.D.


The Society of Psychiatrists in St. Petersburg at a meeting on April 5, after listening to the word of the chairman Acad. V. M. Bekhtereva, dedicated to the memory of the Chairman of the Medical Council L. F. Ragozin, honored the memory of the deceased by standing up and unanimously decided to send a telegram to the widow of L. F. Ragozin expressing feelings of lively condolences about the untimely heavy loss that all Russian psychiatry suffered with her and the medical family in general. (Review. Psych.)

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):427-431
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Письмо в редакцию

The main provisions of the draft charter of the "All-Russian Society of Doctors in memory of N. I. Pirogov"

Rein F.A.


The goals of the Society are: 1) in the comprehensive development by the combined forces of Russian doctors of scientific, scientific-practical, medical-sanitary and medical-everyday issues; 2) in the implementation in practice of measures for the protection of public health and in facilitating their implementation by public and other organizations; 3) in improving the working and living conditions of doctors and in organizing comradely mutual assistance.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):420-423
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Appeal of the Central Committee for the construction of a monument to the late professor of surgery Ernst von Bergman


At the congress of Livonian doctors on August 17-19, 1907, in honor of the memory of the late E. von Bergmann, a construction was unanimously decided in honor of his worthy monument in Derpt-Yuriev, at the university of which the deceased was a teacher and organizer, who took an ardent part in his fate. A wish was expressed to arrange this monument in the spirit of a sculpture at the Surgical Clinic in Derpt Yuryev; it was the cradle of the scientific and pedagogical activity of this famous surgeon.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):423-424
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The highest approved Russian Society for the Protection of People's Health. Commission on Alcoholism


The Council of the Society announces a competition for prizes in 2000. and 1000 rubles. The authors apply to the Commission on the issue of alcoholism in the Highly Approved Russian Society for the Protection of Public Health in St. Petersburg.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):424-425
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IV Congress of Czech Naturalists and Physicians June 6-10, 1908


Organizing Committee of the meeting, represented by prof. E. Meixner, chairman of the meeting and prof. A. Geverokha, the chief secretary of the congress, appeals to his comrades with a request to take part in the congress's work, and also to contribute to its success by disseminating information about the congress among Russian naturalists and doctors.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):425-426
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Annals of society

Chronicle of the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University. Volume XV, № 2 (1908)

Darkshevich L.O., Pervushin V.P.


Prof. L. O. Darkshevich, opening the meeting, announced the death of an honorary member of the Society, Professor Ivan Pavlovich Merzheevsky, so famous for his scientific and pedagogical activities, and invited those present to honor his memory by standing up, which was done.
Prof. VP Osipov said a few heartfelt words dedicated to the memory of prof. IP Merzheevsky, as a scientist, as the founder of an entire school of psychiatrists, and as a person. He died on March 5 in Paris, where he was at the anniversary of prof. Magnan'a, died unexpectedly, as he generally enjoyed good health. For all who knew him closely, he will remain in memory; thanks to his rare qualities, his responsiveness, he enjoyed the love of his students, was an authority in their eyes. His scientific activity gave him a big name, he was one of the first neuropathologists and psychiatrists who studied mental life on the basis of anatomical and physiological data.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):432-442
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In memory of Lev Fedorovich Ragozin

Levchatkin V.I.


Not so long ago, we, psychiatrists, lost one of the highest representatives of scientific psychiatry, Prof. I. P. Merzheevsky, like an inexorable death, pulled out from our midst one more of the no less high practical figures of psychiatry - this is the psychiatrist doctor Lev Fedorovich Ragozin): he died on March 30, 1908 in the city of Breslavl. The late L. F. Ragozin in the 80s was the director of the Kazan District Hospital; the latter owes a lot to him in organizing her life. Therefore, to me, as having the honor to be the representative of the Kazan Okrug at the present time. Therapeutic, may it be allowed by the highly respected Society, to dedicate a few words to the memory of the late L.F.В. Лѳвчаткинъ

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(2):215-223
pages 215-223 views

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