Vol XXI, No 1 (1914)


About the dosage of essence d'absinthe cultivée for inducing seizures of experimental epilepsy in dogs

Osipov V.P.


Clinical and experimental epilepsy belong to the number of departments of the pathology of the nervous system that have constantly attracted and until now have attracted the attention of researchers; only a few departments of the pathology of the nervous system can compare with the chapter on epilepsy in the huge number of works devoted to it, aimed at studying the most diverse aspects of the disease.

Neurology Bulletin. 1914;XXI(1):1-16
pages 1-16 views

On the voluntary and involuntary activity of the right and left hemispheres of the brain in connection with the question of will

Rudnev V.I.


The motor area of the cerebral cortex is considered to be the place where will impulses originate. Since the human brain consists of 2 hemispheres, and the volitional impulse can come from one and the other hemisphere, it is very important to find out the features of both hemispheres, whether there is any difference in the volitional activity of the right and the left; A comparison of the activities of both can throw light on the clarification of the extremely interesting question of what will is.

Neurology Bulletin. 1914;XXI(1):17-39
pages 17-39 views

K casuistic "poliomyelitis anterior chronica" post trauma

Kapustin A.A., Arunyants M.N.


The comparative clinical severity of chronic poliomyelitis in adults with an unclear general ethiology of this disease gives us a known basis for the publication of our observation, interesting in its genesis and in the development of symptoms, although the author is more likely to have a traumatic anxiety.

Neurology Bulletin. 1914;XXI(1):40-52
pages 40-52 views

On the relationship of the vagus nerve (n. Vagi) to respiratory movements. Experimental study

Mikhailov М.P.


The ability to obtain, with irritation of the central end of the vagus nerve (n. Vagi), both inspiratory and expiratory cessation of respiration, should now be considered undoubtedly proven.

Neurology Bulletin. 1914;XXI(1):53-113
pages 53-113 views

Prolonged hysterical spasm

Bondarev N.I.


One of the serious complications of hysteria are movement disorders in the form of paraplegia or seizures and contractures. Contractures usually develop suddenly, sometimes follow paralysis and anesthesia, often developing in the late stages of hysteria and can be paraplegic, hemiplastic and monoplastic.

Neurology Bulletin. 1914;XXI(1):114-121
pages 114-121 views

Diplegia facialis

Serafimov B.N.


Diplegia facialis, as far as I can judge from the literature available to me, is not common, so, from the first case of bilateral paralysis n. facialis published by Ch. Bell in 1836, until 1913 I managed to collect only 122 cases of this rare disease. 

Neurology Bulletin. 1914;XXI(1):122-143
pages 122-143 views

A case of paranoid with original delusions

Spirtov I.N.


Sick M. rural teacher retired entered the hospital of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on January 27, 1910, 44 years old. From the question of the patient, from the autobiography written by him at the request of the doctor and from the copy of his history of illness sent from the provincial psychiatric hospital in the anamnestic relation, it was possible to find out the following

Neurology Bulletin. 1914;XXI(1):144-186
pages 144-186 views

Changes in the striated muscle of the skeleton after nerve transection

Emdin P.I.


Erb's classic work on the pathology of the paralyzed muscle laid the foundation for the scholarship that has dominated this area to this day (Dejerine, Oppenheim, Darkshevich). This study was formulated by prof. Darkshevich: “Neuropathic (ie, depending on the suffering of the nervous apparatus. PE) muscle atrophy can be simple or degenerative.

Neurology Bulletin. 1914;XXI(1):187-290
pages 187-290 views

Jul. Donath. Iucleic acid sodium in the treatment of early dementia. Nafrium nucleinicum Behandlung der Dementia Praecox. Zeitschr. f. die ges. Neur. und Psychiatrie. 1913 B. 19, H. 2.

Shilov A.V.


Since 1907, the author has adopted N. nucleinic. at Dem. praecox. He gives 1.0 to 4.0. in ascending doses up to 14.8 N. nuclein. in the total amount for one patient in 10% solution.

Neurology Bulletin. 1914;XXI(1):291-291
pages 291-291 views

From the Physics and Medicine Society in Moscow, February 20, 1914

Sukhov A.A.


February 20, 1914 in zadan i Phys. Honey. About. reports were heard:  A. A Sukhov: “Report of the Board of Phys.Med. About. for 1918 ";  A. A. Sukhov: “The study of epilepsy from the point of view of the study of internal secretion; PS Rozanov: "To the characteristics of the plague of 1913".

Neurology Bulletin. 1914;XXI(1):292-293
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From the Moscow Society of Psychiatry and Neurology On December 5, 1913

Sukhov A.A.


 On December 5, 1913  , at the meeting of the Society, the following reports were heard: 1) N. A. Vyrubov on the topic: “Impressions from the inspection of the Scottish patronage; 2) L. A. Prozorva: “Suicide in the army”.

Neurology Bulletin. 1914;XXI(1):293-295
pages 293-295 views

From the Moscow Society of Psychiatry and Neurology. On January 28, 1914, the 10th regular (annual) meeting of the Society took place

Sukhov A.A.


The following reports were heard: V.A: Ya. D. Matskevich: “On the meaning of postmortem examination of cerebrospinal fluid;AI Prusenko: "Fever, as a symptom of morphine withdrawal."

Neurology Bulletin. 1914;XXI(1):295-299
pages 295-299 views

Prof. Sigmund Freud. Interpretation of dreams. Moscow. 1913 Ed. Let's lie. Probl. Translation from 3 nm. edition. Ts. 3 r.

Shilov A.A.


For Freud's psychoanalytic theory, dreams are the key and m. B. the best key to the mysterious castle of phobias, abscesses and even crazy ideas.

Neurology Bulletin. 1914;XXI(1):299-305
pages 299-305 views

Report on the activities of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University for 1913

Voroshilov V.К.


The expired year is the 22nd year of the Society's life. The activity of the Society for the reporting year was expressed in the devices of scientific detections and publications of the organ of the Society "Neurological Vestnik".

Neurology Bulletin. 1914;XXI(1):306-311
pages 306-311 views

Minutes of the Audit Commission

Baklushinskiy I.D.


On January 28, 1913, the Audit Commission, consisting of two of its members D.V. Polumordvinov and A.V. . to December 31, 1913, at which I found the maintenance of the income book correct, and the expenses were confirmed by the submitted supporting documents.

Neurology Bulletin. 1914;XXI(1):311- 315
pages 311- 315 views

Chronicle and mix

Donskov N.A.


In Minsk, in the psychiatric department of the provincial zemstvo hospital, one patient strangled the nobleman Knobelsdorf, who was on treatment, by throwing a loop of rope around his neck

Neurology Bulletin. 1914;XXI(1):316-318
pages 316-318 views

History of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University, Protocol VIII of the meeting of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists on December 18, 1913.

Osipov V.P., Voroshilov V.K.


Chaired by prof. L.O.Darkshevich with the secretary Voroshilov. Present: prof. Osipov, prof. Mislavskiy, prof. Samoilov, Pervushin, Favorsky, Donskov N.A., Arkhangelskaya, Kochergin, Bondarev, Bolberg, Ivanov, Steinberg, Lapukhin, Mikhailov, Baklushinsky, Emdin.

Neurology Bulletin. 1914;XXI(1):318-327
pages 318-327 views

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