Vol XVIII, No 4 (1911)


On the question of the centrifugal fibers of the posterior roots of the spinal cord and their trophic centers

Timashev K.N.


The authors, who set themselves the goal of histologically proving the existence of centrifugal dorsal root fibers, came to contradictory results: some of these fibers were found, others were not. My task was precisely to clarify this question for myself at least on one number of animals and, moreover, only anatomically.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(4):777-819
pages 777-819 views

Care of the restless, untidy and contagious mentally ill according to Russian psychiatric institutions

Glushkov N.A.


The purpose of this report is, firstly, to share with our comrades the impressions and thoughts inspired by our inspection of various Russian psychiatric institutions, so we will try to highlight here those institutions that made the greatest impression on us and which, in our opinion, should be examined by comrades who also we will have to go on a scientific trip, secondly, we take the liberty of making an attempt to offer the attention of our comrades those activities that, in our understanding, are still necessary when caring for the restless, untidy and infectious patients of our Hospital.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(4):820-852
pages 820-852 views

On the question of histopathological changes in the spinal cord when it is compressed

Simileyskaya A.V.


There is a relatively extensive literature on histopathological changes in the spinal cord when it is compressed, but the nature of the process that arises in this case and determines the entire course of histopathological changes remains unclear.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(4):853-868
pages 853-868 views

Dementia praecox paranoides. Psychological research

Rudnev V.I.


The paranoid form of progressive dementia (dementia paranoides) was first identified by Kraepelin, who by this name designated a small group of cases characterized by the rapid development of completely ridiculous and incoherent ideas of persecution and greatness and an unusually early transition into a persistent state of confusion, accompanied by the phenomena of moderate excitement. It represents some kinship with dementia praecox and catatonia, but develops at an older age, otherwise it proceeds and ends.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(4):869-903
pages 869-903 views

To pathological anatomy and clinic of myasthenia gravis

Reiss A.E.


The disease, called myasthenia or myasthenic paralysis, became known for about 35 years. In 1877, Willis described a case of bulbar paralysis, manifested by strabismus, disorder of swallowing and speech, and difficulty breathing. Autopsy revealed no anatomical changes in the central nervous system.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(4):904-948
pages 904-948 views

To study about myopathy

Pervushin V.P.


The tendency to the formation of shortening - muscle information (contracture, pseudocontracture, retraction) is inherent in general myopathy and to a limited extent, especially in the late stage of the disease, is observed in all varieties of this suffering: both simultaneously with muscle pseudohypertrophy, and without them, with forms of local and common.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(4):949-819
pages 949-819 views

Dr. K. Agajanianz. About the nuclei of the human cerebellum. Berlin. 1911

Favorsky A.E.


The author's research is part of a great deal of work on the nuclei of the human brain undertaken in the laboratory of Prof. Jacobson'a in Berlin. It was the author's lot to study the distribution of nuclei in the substantia white of the cerebellum.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(4):986-987
pages 986-987 views

H. Oppenheim. About prolonged dizziness. Ueber Dauernschwindel. (Vertigo permanens). Neurolog. Centr. 1911, № 6

Likhnitsky V.N.


The author gives the history of the disease 4 cases of vertigo permanens; in all these cases, the clinical picture is very general. This disease develops in persons with neuropathic heredity, usually in adolescence, sometimes somewhat later.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(4):988-989
pages 988-989 views

F. Rose. Muscle headache. La cephalée musculaire. Semaine Médicale, №13, 1911

Likhnitsky V.N.


The defeat of the muscles of the head and neck is one of the relatively common causes of headaches.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(4):989-989
pages 989-989 views

Seglas et Collin. Mental shock. Emotion choc. Psychose confusionelle.—Presse medicale, 1911

Likhnitsky V.N.


A 31-year-old woman with a hereditary predisposition, following a difficult domestic scene that she had to endure (her husband's reproaches, having learned about her wife's betrayal), developed a mental illness.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(4):990-990
pages 990-990 views

M. Neuchaus. Experiments with salvarzan in syphiliscentral nervous system. Erfarungen mit Salvarsan, speziell bei Lues des Zentralnemensystems. Münch. med. Woeh. 1911

Likhnitsky V.N.


The author injected salvarzan in 16 cases of syphilitic lesions of the central nervous system.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(4):990-991
pages 990-991 views

Schanz. Treatment of salvarzanam and lesion of the optic nerve. Salvarsanbehandlung und Neuritis optica.-München. med. Woch. 1911

Likhnitsky V.N.


The author cites 2 cases in which patients who complained of shortly before that onset, decreased vision, along with other symptoms of syphilis, the existence of neuritis optica was ascertained.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(4):991-991
pages 991-991 views

Marinesco. Some results achieved in the treatment of nervous diseases are applied. «606» Sur quelques résultats obtenus par le 606 daus le traitement des maladies nervenses.— Presse medicale, 1911, № 8

Likhnitsky V.N.


At the beginning of the article, Marinesco critically evaluates the results obtained with the use of salvarzan in syphilitic and parasyphilitic diseases of the nervous system.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(4):991-992
pages 991-992 views

From the life of psychiatric institutions. Medical report for 1909 and 1910

Sholomovich A.S.


The report begins with a historical outline of the hospital's life from 1832, the year it was opened.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(4):992-999
pages 992-999 views

Chronicle and mix

Donskov N.A.


Former in Sofia in 1910, the congress of Slavic doctors designated Russia as the place of the future All-Slavic congress, expressing the wish that this congress was convened according to a broader scientific program, and not limited exclusively to medical specialties.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(4):999-1004
pages 999-1004 views

Minutes of the meeting of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan Universityѣ May 11, 1911

Darkshevich L.O., Baklushinskiy I.D.


Chaired by prof. L.O. Darkshevich with the secretary Baklushinsky. Present: prof. V.P. Osipov; Dr.: Arkhangelskaya, Vishnevskiy, Donskov, V.I. Levchatkin, Sorokovikov, Pervushin, Veselitskiy, Dvornovich, Lopukhin, Sholomovich, Chalusov, Pavlenko, Glushkov, Tupitsin, Osokin.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(4):1004-1012
pages 1004-1012 views

Minutes of the meeting of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University on October 29, 1911

Darkshevich L.O., Baklushinskiy I.D.


Present: prof. P. Osipov, V. I. Levchatkin, Donskov, Pervushin, Favorsky, Veselitsky, Arkhangelskaya, Protopopov, Safir and others, about 30 senior medical students.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(4):1012-1014
pages 1012-1014 views

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