Vol XII, No 2 (1904)


About changes in temperature in case of progressive paralysis of the obsessed

Sorokovikov G.V.


Observations of temperature in patients with progressive paralysis began by me from the beginning of 1901. In the course of almost three years, only about 40 cases have been investigated, but for more or less a long time, continuously, systematically, daily in the morning and in the evening, it was possible to conduct research in 25 cases. Out of them, for the following presentation, I choose only those cases, in the number 24, which belong to the purest forms of progressive paralysis, so to speak with the classic course, avoiding various mixed forms. Diagnosis in each individual case was established after more or less prolonged observation in the hospital, under the direct guidance of the deeply respected Professor N.M. Popov.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(2):1-141
pages 1-141 views

On the question of the innervation of pupil movements

Chirkovsky V.V.


Any researcher on the question of the innervation of the movements of the iris is involuntarily amazed, on the one hand, by the amazing abundance of works on this branch of physiology and, at the same time, solid works, produced by outstanding scientists, and on the other, not less than the amazing diversity of the prevailing views, even prevailing in the foundations of the study of pupillary movements. The last ten years of the past century have been the period of especially lively debates in literature on the most significant issues of this department and, it seems, will not be exaggerated, if we say that not one side of the question about the innervations of the movements of the pupil has not been left again. But from the review of these numerous works, it is difficult to come to no less than a definite, immutable conclusion on any issue.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(2):142-196
pages 142-196 views

On the casuistry of progressive paralysis (several cases with acute and prolonged course)

Dedov G.A.


28 / VII. The patient died at 6.30 am. Opening 28 / VII. Great emaciation; stiffness is poorly expressed; on the sacrum and on the right trochanter — bedsores. The bones of the cranial vault are thickened, diplöe is almost absent. Dura mater is spliced ​​in some places with the inner surface of the vault and with the pia mater. The last one is thickened, cloudy (milky stripes), it is removed from the surface of the brain with great difficulty. Brain weight 1397.0; its substance is edematous; the cortical substance is anemic, atrophied; the lateral ventricles are dilated with a large amount of serous fluid. In the internal organs, except for the expansion of the lower lobes of both lungs, no pathological changes were noted.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(2):197-208
pages 197-208 views

On the descending connections of the visual hillock

Bekhterev V.M.


At present, it seems more or less established the interruption of the fibers of the loop layer in the visual hillock. This proves the anatomical aspect of the relationship of visual hillocks to the sensitivity function, which is confirmed by both the newest pathological observations, especially Dejerine's, and experimental work. But the same cannot be said about the centrifugal connections of the visual hillock, which until now have remained little understood, despite the fact that the meaning of visual hillocks as centers of involuntary movements (mimic and movements of internal organs) was proved for the first time by me, and after that the authors in a whole series of experiments and observations. Some authors, like Probst, even deny completely on the basis of their research the existence of descending connections of the visual hillock, although it is absolutely impossible to agree already in the form of experimental data, which put outside doubt not only the sensitive, but also the motor function of the vision.
Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(2):209-216
pages 209-216 views

The therapeutic value of hemorrhages in the suffering of the nervous system

Sobolevsky A.V.


There are several contradictory indications about the blood filling of the brain. A. priori, indeed, one can expect bloodlessness of all organs due to rapid blood loss, “but many facts make such an expectation premature, unproven, unproven,” notes Yu. Chudnovsky and cites the case of prof. Maschka.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(2):217-232
pages 217-232 views

On the question of coordination of movements. Influence of some movements on simultaneous with them other movements

Osipov V.P.


All active movements of our members in individual joints, with a few exceptions, are carried out easily and freely in the limits determined by the architecture of a particular joint and the function of those in charge of certain movements of the neuromuscular apparatus. Ease and freedom of movement in the known articulation is achieved and improved by exercise in this movement; lightness and freedom of movement becomes perfect from the moment the well-known movement becomes familiar; then the movement becomes automatic, requiring no or almost no consciousness for its manifestation.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(2):233-262
pages 233-262 views

Prof. A. Pick. A note about the pathology of acroparesis. Revue Neurologique 1903, p. 12.

Yanishevskiy A.E.


The author, being an adherent of spinal localization of painful process in acroparesis, gives a case of pronounced acroparesis with a strictly limited area of distribution of sensitive disorders.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(2):263-264
pages 263-264 views

F. Raymond et J. Sicard. Compression of the spinal cord in a spinal fracture. Spasmodic paraplegia. Laminectomy. Convalescence. Revue Neurolog. 1903, p. 193

Yanishevskiy A.E.


The authors cite a case of a fracture of the spinous process of the twelfth dorsal vertebra, in which spasmodic paralysis was observed for more than 7 months with the nature of Brown-Séquard paralysis, accompanied by clonic phenomena, Babinsk's symptoms of urinary bladder and collapse.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(2):264-264
pages 264-264 views

A. Péckin and M. Rollin. Ophthalmoplegia and arteriosclerosis. Revue Neurol. 1903, pp. 256

Yanishevskiy A.E.


The authors describe a case where a patient suffering from syphilis and tabes had complete ophthalmoplegia and atrophy n during his lifetime. optici on the left eye, incomplete ptosis and paralysis of the upper part of the right eye.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(2):265-265
pages 265-265 views

J. Dejerine et M. Eqqev. Objective sensitivity disorders in acroparesis and their radicular distribution. Revue Neurol. 1904, p. 54

Yanishevskiy A.E.


The authors, fully adhering to Risk's view of acroparesis as affecting the known segments of the spinal cord, cite cases where it was possible, with an objective examination, to ascertain certain areas with a decrease in sensitivity.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(2):265-266
pages 265-266 views

K. Abraham. Ueber Versuche mit “Veronal” bei Erregungszuständen der Paralytiker. (Centralblatt für Nervenheilkunde und Psychiatrie, 15 Marz 1904). Observation of the action of "veronal" in paralytics in the state of excitement

Boldyrev B.


The author undertook observation of the action of Veronal in the Dalldorf hospital, near Berlin, for paralytics, among whom there were many restless and suffering from sleep disorders. Before that, in cases of insomnia, they came to the trional in hospitals and only when some patients did not succumb to his influence (which happens with any hypnoticum), they had to use other hypnotics. Since, with prolonged use of trional, its action weakens, and it tastes bitter, then, naturally, the ever-present desire of doctors was to find such a remedy that would be devoid of these negative qualities, and most importantly, would not have strong toxic properties.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(2):266-267
pages 266-267 views

Prof. W. Bechterew. Heilgymnastische Behandlung im Bade. (Centralblatt für Nervenheilkunde und Psychiatrie. 15 März 1904). Treatment with medical gymnastics in baths. (Review of psychiatry, neurology and experimental psychology. September 1903)

Boldyrev V.


Academician Bekhterev notes that there, where, with paralysis, the use of active gymnastics is impossible due to the weakening of volitional impulses that cannot bring the affected members into motion, it turns out to be possible to use it in the water, and the organs, without them being active before and having limited mobility, they reveal it to a greater extent.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(2):267-268
pages 267-268 views

Prof. Devic and Louis Gallavardin. On a remarkable case of post-hemiplegic contracture. (Neurological journal 1903)

Kagan S.


The author cites the following clinical observation: Left hemiplegia developed in 8-10 hours without loss of consciousness. During the work, the subject of 65 years felt a feeling in his left hand without pain and without loss of consciousness, the left leg was almost completely paralyzed. At night, terrible pains in the legs, the limb itself in flexion contracture, the left hand in the state of lax paralysis.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(2):268-269
pages 268-269 views

Haskovec. Intraarterial pressure in traumatic neurosis. (Neurological journal. 1903)

Kagan S.


The author has in mind to prove the inaccuracy of the observations and conclusions of prof. Strauss in his work is about inside arterial pressure.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(2):270-271
pages 270-271 views

Chronicle and mix

Obraztsov V.N.


Senior physician of the Odessa psychiatric hospital, doctor of medicine B.I. Vorotynskiy was elected as a medical faculty in Odessa as a privat-docent in the department of nervous and mental illnesses.
Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(2):272-276
pages 272-276 views

The history of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the meeting of the Society on February 29, 1904

Kovalevskiy P.I.


It was chaired by prof. P. I. Kovalevskiy, under the secretary V. N. Obraztsov. Attended by: comrade-chairman prof. N. A. Mislavskiy, members: Skuridin, Levchatkats, Sorokovikov, Skolozubov, Pavlenko, Pervushin, Zaitsev, Tonorkov, outside doctors and people of 30-40 public.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(2):276-277
pages 276-277 views

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