Vol V, No 4 (1897)

Original article

The volume of the anatomical connections of the frontal lobes

Zhukovsky M.N.


The question of the connection between the frontal lobes and the various parts of the brain still remains far from solved completely, despite a whole series of studies in this direction. In view of this, at the suggestion of the highly respected teacher V.M.Bekhterev, I undertook this work with the aim of clarifying this issue in detail. My study consisted in the destruction of the frontal lobes in animals with the subsequent processing of their brains according to the Marchi method, and in addition, in a detailed study of physiological phenomena in the operated animals. But regarding the second part of my work, I intend to speak in another section, limiting myself at the present to the anatomical part. Before proceeding to the presentation of the results obtained by me, I will try to briefly outline the literature of the question of interest to me. The literature on the connections of the frontal lobe with various areas of the brain is directly adjacent to the literature on the connections of the cerebral cortex in general and seems to be very extensive, which is why I will confine myself to a more detailed sketch of a part of it, concerning more or less controversial issues, mentioning only briefly about the research on which there is a contradiction.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(4):1-15
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About the connections of the cerebellum with the rest of the central nervous system

Telyatnik F.K.


Now I turn to a brief summary of the content of some of the works specially devoted to the study of the cerebellar connections. I am not trying to collect all the literature related to this issue, but will confine myself only to the latest works produced with the help of the method most commonly used at the present time for solving questions about conducting paths, namely the method of rebirth. It must be said that a great service in this relationship was also rendered by the method of development, with the help of which a lot of valuable data were obtained, especially Bekhterev. But I will not dwell on them, since all the data obtained in the works of this author are set forth in the "Conducting Ways" and are already given above. As for the newest work performed according to the method of rebirth, all of them were carried out in such a way that one or another part of the cerebellum was damaged in the animal, or one or the other of its legs, and those regenerations were observed, which followed this damage. My works were produced in the same way, and therefore it is very easy to compare them with the works of other authors. This comparison is also favored by the fact that I produced the coloring of the preparations according to the Marchi method, which was also used by most of the researchers cited below.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(4):16-46
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The volume of changes in the nerve cells of the intervertebral nodes in the active state

Kovalevsky V.


The Nissl method showed that every nerve cell consists of two substances: the main one, which does not stain with this treatment, and the other, interspersed with the first, having a selective affinity for the main aniline dyes. The type, method of distribution in the nerve cell of this chromophilic substance is different depending on the nature of the group to which this nerve cell belongs. Most often, this substance is in the form of grains, differing in an extreme variety of size and shape. This new word in the study of the structure of the nerve cell gave, together with the darkness, a new basis for the study of the issue of changes in the nervous cells in the active state. Thanks to this, a number of studies by authors appeared, such as Hodge, Vas, Mann, Lambert, Lugaro, Levi, Valensa, Magini, whose purpose was to answer the question whether the nerve cells change during activity, and if they change, then what are these changes, which is, consequently, the histological picture of the process of excitation of the nerve cell. To regret, the data, which appeared to answer this question, disagree with each other. In fact, the size of the calm nerve cells, decreasing with irritation, according to Hodge, increases according to Vas and according to Lambert's opinion, they remain without changes. Chromophiles according to Vas and Lambert, moving into an irritated cell to the periphery, according to the opinion of the other authors, do not change their position. The amount of nuclear chromatin increasing along Vas decreases according to Mann. Also contradictory data and volume of changes in the size of the nucleus and nucleolus. Only one thing is that all researchers agree, this is that neither the size nor the number of chromophiles change during the appearance of irritation of the nerve cell. True, Mann says that during rest, various coloring substances accumulate in the cell, which are then consumed during activity, but this indication does not seem to refer to chromophiles, but to the chromatin of the nucleus.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(4):47-58
pages 47-58 views

Folie à deux case

Genik E.A.


The casuistry of induced delusion in foreign literature is currently quite extensive. But Russian literature is comparatively lacking in data of this kind. In view of this, I dare to publish the case I have observed — moreover, that it also represents one important feature that sets it apart from a number of cases described so far in our and in the foreign press.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(4):59-72
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About alcoholic automatism

Kuznetsov V.P.


The painful condition, known in medicine under the name of alcoholic automatism, alcoholic trance, alcoholic somnambulism, despite its significance in forensic medicine, has been the subject of research from a relatively recent time. In 1878, the observations related to this were described by Professor Magnan, who expressed the proposition that alcoholic automatism is the result of the complication of alcoholism with epilepsy and that automatic states are observed only in such chronic alcoholics who have epilepsy. Since 1879, several papers by Dr. Crothers have been published on this issue. Further cases of alcoholic automatism have been described by Drs. Kinney, Collin, Chamtemesse, Souques and others.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(4):73-104
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On the pathological and anatomical changes in the cervical nodes of the sympathetic nerve with their inflammation

Yablonsky E.


The issue of inflammatory changes in the ganglion cells of the sympathetic nerve can not be considered resolved until now, despite the existence of several works on this matter.
True, research of this kind refers to the time when we did not yet possess the modern improved methods of research, and relate mainly to the regeneration of the sympathetic nerve, and therefore it is not surprising if the results of the work sometimes turned out to be completely opposite.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(4):105-122
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A Case of Epidemic Religious Insanity

Maevsky M.M.


In the present essay, I mean to present the characteristics of the initiator of the religious and social movement that appeared among the Muslim population of eastern Russia, the peasant of the Kazan province V. Bogutdin and some of his closest associates.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(4):123-140
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To the question of diseases of the conusmedullaris and the sacral part of the spinal cord

Bregman I.S.


The suffering of the lower spinal cord and caudae equinae have recently attracted the attention of researchers, and observations related to this issue are now carefully collected and described everywhere. Thanks to this, the range of our information has significantly expanded both 1) in relation to the determination of the level of damage, and 2) in relation to the differential diagnosis between the suffering of the spinal cord itself and damage to the corresponding roots. First of all, with regard to the first point, Raymond proposed for clinical purposes a more precise border of the cerebral cone, to which, in addition to the established anatomical boundaries, he also included the part of the medullae sacralis, which lies below the exit of the III sacral root. Damage to this part of the spinal cord is caused by a completely definite complex of symptoms, which is composed of: paralysis of the bladder and rectum, disorders in the male reproductive apparatus and limited anesthesia not only of the mucous membranes of the mentioned organs, but also of the perineum, the circumference of the ani and the lower sciatic region thigh surface.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(4):141-152
pages 141-152 views

The case of erythrophobia

Popov N.M.


In the specialized literature for the last time, a description of a rather peculiar nervous suffering began to come across, which Pitres and Régis called erythrophobia and the most prominent symptom of which is the periodically arising fear of reddening, on the one hand, a fearful reddening of the face, on the other hand. Apparently, the first indication of such a combination of clinical phenomena we find in Casper back in 1846. But the observation of this author, known to me only from the work of Westphalya (Ueber Zwangsvorstellungen. 1877. Berl. Klin. Woch. 1877), is too cited last day in general terms, so that one can speak about him with the desired certainty. After Casper, not one of the clinicians focused their attention on such cases, and only in 1896 appeared almost simultaneously several works devoted to the suffering of interest to us. Dugas (Revue philosophique, dec. 1896), Campbell (Brif. Med. Journal, 25 sept. 1896); Breton (Gazette des hôpit. 20 oct. 1896), Pitres et Régis (Archives de Neurologie 1896 No. 9. p. 253), Bekhterev (Review of Psychiatry 1896, No. 12; 1897 No. 1 and 8), Chigaev (Doctor 1897 30), Manheimer (La médecine modern 1897 No. 8) published a whole series of observations in which the clinical picture of suffering is described in great detail and where its main features are already quite definite.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(4):153-160
pages 153-160 views

On the question of servants in psychiatric hospitals

Morozov M.S.


The question of caring for the mentally ill in the sense of this word, in the sense of leaving the lower and middle staff, always presented to me as being of paramount importance, stopped my attention almost from the very beginning of my psychiatric work as a provincial resident in one of the largest departments. Hospital efficiency strengthened me even more in the importance of good care, showing together how poorly it is in most cases in Russia and how little has been done so far for more or less satisfactory dissolution of it. Leaving the question of the average staff until another time, I find it possible to say without exaggeration that the lowest nursing staff in our Russian psychiatric institutions is the most sick place. And between the two, I would be mistaken and would meet a principled objection from someone if I said that whatever improved methods of care and treatment of mentally ill were introduced into psychiatric hospitals, no matter how well these last days were arranged, at the end of all this will still be the care staff. All our improvements run the risk of being unsuccessful, inapplicable to the task, far not as useful as one might expect, if there is not a person who is sufficiently prepared, reasonably, fit for his difficult assignment, with sufficient moral and mental qualifications of caring for which servant personnel, through get a practical application of all kinds of patient care.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(4):161-174
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To the structure of the spinal cord in sterlets

Pavlovsky S.


In this session, we will allow ourselves to report the observations made in the laboratory and the highly respected teacher, prof. N.A.Mislavsky, on the structure of the spinal cord in sterlets.
Our communication will be reduced, mainly, to the description of: 1) neuroglia cells, 2) ependyma cells and 3) nerve cells with the help of the substance. We will not touch upon the literature on this issue, since we consider our observations to be incomplete. Let's just say a few words about the methods that we used in our research.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(4):175-186
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Some notes about the retina

Reznikov M.


In my work "On the doctrine of the structure of the retinal shell" I presented the results of my research, relating to all the known elements of this organ. In it, I, mainly, had in mind to check the data of Cajal and Dogel and the scheme of the mutual relationship of elements that was developed thanks to the wonderful works of these scientists. In this article I will focus on private issues and develop in more detail some of the additional conclusions to which my research led me.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(4):187-204
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I. M. Dogel. The influence of music on humans and animals. — Kazan, 1897

Vorotynskiy B.


The present research of the venerable professor a few years ago served as the topic for his public lecture. In its present form, this study was published in the second edition, corrected and significantly supplemented, containing 126 figures in the text and with the attached tables of notes. Thus, the second edition of the extremely interesting and completely original work of prof. Dogel has already appeared in the form of a solid monograph.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(4):205-206
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Dr. E. Laurent. Criminal anthropology and new theory of crime. -Trans. ed. prof. Sikorsky. Kiev, 1897

Vorotynskiy B.I.


Laurent's book is a concise synopsis of the latest scholarship on crime, based on data from criminal anthropology.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(4):206-206
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A.P. Langovoy. About gastrointestinal disorders in patients suffering from hysteria and neurasthenia. —Moscow, 1897

Vorotynskiy B.I.


The author's monograph under the title written out is the result of partly personal observations of the author, and is mainly based on the study of the clinical material of the hospital therapeutic clinic of Moscow University (about 200 cases). At the beginning of the work, the author gives a general description of the clinical picture of gastrointestinal disorders in neurasthenics and hysterics, and then briefly gives 17 history of illness, taken from the archive of the clinic for the last 5 years.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(4):206-207
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I. A. Klimov. About the pathways of the cerebellum. Diss. Kazan, 1897

Vorotynskiy B.I.


The work of the author was carried out in the laboratory of the clinic of nervous diseases under the guidance of prof. L.O.Darkshevich. An extensive work, embracing 18 printed sheets, is divided into 4 chapters. In the first chapter, a detailed sketch of the literature is presented, introducing the modern state of science about the connections and pathways of the cerebellum. The second chapter contains a description of the anatomical structure of the cerebellum based on the author's own research. In the third chapter, the setting of experiments is described, methods of investigation are described, and their own data obtained experimentally are given. The fourth chapter is devoted to the analysis of all the factual material and the general conclusions following from it.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(4):207-207
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Prof. I. A. Sikorskiy. Epidemic free deaths and murders in Ternovsky farms (near Tiraspol). - Questions of neuropsychic medicine. T. II, no. 3.1897

Vorotynskiy B.I.


Everyone knows the terrible drama that played out among the sectarians of the Ternovsky farmsteads: 25 people were subsequently (in groups) buried alive, dying to die a free death. This terrible Ternovo event is in our time an unprecedented fact, deserving a deep and comprehensive study. The extreme fermentation that led the sectarians to such a gloomy denouement should equally interest the historian, psychologist, forensic scientist and doctor - psychiatrist: each of them will find in this everyday drama a rich material for their scientific research.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(4):208-208
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G. Marinesco. The ratio of multiple neuritis to primary and secondary lesions of nerve cells. Des polyn evrites en raport avec les lesions secondaires et les lesions primitives des cellules nerveuses. Revue neurologique, no. 5, Mars 1896


At the beginning of the work, the author speaks of the volume of changes in the nerve cells that occur every time after the nerve fiber overload. Coloring by the Nissl's method made it possible to establish two periods in these changes. In the first period, only the chromatic substance is changed: there is a partial disintegration of chromatophilic elements, starting with the separation of the axial-cylindrical process and at the same time the nucleus moves to the periphery of the cell. difference in potentials of the centrifugal nervous wave and calls it kinetoplasm.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(4):209-210
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Dr. V. M. B-r. Hamlet Shakespeare from the medical and psychological point of view. —Archive of psychiatry etc. T. XXX, No. 2, 1897

Vorotynskiy B.I.


The research of the author seems to be very interesting for a neuropathologist and psychiatrist. It is difficult to convey the essence of the content of this work in the abstract, and therefore we will limit ourselves here only to the advice to read it in the original.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(4):208-209
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Friederike Oberdieck. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Alkoholimus und seiner rationellen Behandlung. —(Arch. f. Psych. Bd. 27. Heft. 2. pg. 579 — 632)

Idelson G.


This work presents a statistical analysis of the history of the illness of alcoholics from the Burghölzli insane asylum during the period from 1879 to 1894 (367 mus. And 31 women). The known facts about the consequences of alcoholism are confirmed again in this work.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(4):210-210
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L. Kalischer. Ein Fall von (Influenza) Psychose im frühesten Kindesalter. —(Arch. f. Psych. Bd. 29. Heft 1. pg. 231—248)

Idelson G.


Child 2 y. Ill 3 weeks later after influenza with acute delirium (Amentia) and recovered during the 3rd month of illness.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(4):210-211
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L. Jacobson und В. Jamane. Zur Pathologie der Tumoren der hinteren Schädelgrube (Arch. f. Psych. Bd. 29. Heft. 1. pg. 80—181)

Idelson G.


The work contains 8 cases of cerebellar tumors, which are described in detail in the clinical and anatomical relations.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(4):211-211
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Ernst Beyer. Ueber eine Form der acuten Verworrenheit im klimakterischen Alter. (Archiv f. Psych. Bd. 29. Heft. pg. 182—210)

Idelson G.


On the basis of seven observations, the author describes a form of acute illusionary insanity, which deserves a special name, because it develops after a prolonged depressive period, without any depleting reasons for the body, in the absence of an inherited predisposition — during Climacterium.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(4):211-211
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Nissl. Die Hypothese der specifischen Nervensellenfundion. (Allg. Zeitschr. f. Psychiat. Bd. 54. pg. 1—107)

Idelson G.


It is known that Nissle managed to use alcohol for compaction and by a simple staining method to prove a special structure in the nervous cells, unknown until then, opening new horizons in the histopathology of the nervous system. The old method of condensation by means of chromic acid artificially alters the nerve lumen and therefore is not applicable to the study of the structure of cells.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(4):211-213
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Хроника и смѣсь

Chronicle and mix. Volume V, № 4 (1897)

Vorotynsky B.I.


The Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Medical Department is included in the State Council with a presentation on borrowing from the capital of public funds the amounts necessary for the construction of District Hospitals for the mentally ill. These sums will also be used to build the District Hospital in Vilnius, designed for the provinces of the north-western region.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(4):214-216
pages 214-216 views

Письмо в редакцию

Dear comrade!

Bekhterev V.M.


On November 19, the upcoming 1897, it will be 30 years since the opening of the clinic for mental illnesses at the Imperial Military Medical Academy in St. Petersburg. In addition, a new, completely separate building at a mental health clinic, intended to serve as a clinic for nervous diseases, will be completed approximately in time, and will open at the beginning of the next academic year. Bearing in mind both of these major events in the life of the oldest psychiatric clinic in Russia, it is supposed to commemorate these events by the establishment of a psychiatric and neurological museum, for which there is a special facility in the building currently under construction for nervous patients.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(4):217-219
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Annals of society

Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of appointment on May 14

Mislavskiy N.A.


Chaired by Comrade Chairman N.A.Mislavskiy, with secretary B.I. Vorotynskiy; honorary members KA Arnshtein and IM Dogel were present; action. members: D. V. Polumordvinov, P. S. Skuridin. G. A. Klyachkin, V. V. Nikolaev; guests: Dr. Poroshin, Dr. Charushin. Dr. Mayevsky, prof. Savchenko and a few people of the public.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(4):220-221
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The chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the appointment of September 28

Popov N.M.


Chaired by N. M. Popov, under secretary B. I. Vorotynsky; honorary members were present: K. A. Arnshtein and I. M. Dogel; acting members: K. V. Voroshilov, N. A. Mislavsky, V. I. Levchatkin, I. I. Naumov, G. A. Klyachkin, M. M. Maevsky, V. V. Nikolaev, N. A. Tolmachev and about 50 people in the audience.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(4):221-223
pages 221-223 views

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