Vol V, No 3 (1897)

Original article

Materials for the study of secondary degeneration in the spinal cord after transverse injuries

Vorotynsky B.I.


All my experiments were carried out on dogs. I stopped at these animals in view of the fact that in terms of topographic relations, their spinal cord is closer to the human; this circumstance gives more guarantees not to fall into a gross error when comparing the results obtained with those of people. At the same time, only adult dogs were taken for the experiments, in which the process of development of the central nervous system could be considered completely complete. This condition was essential for my goals, since I set myself the task of studying secondary regeneration on fully developed brains. In addition, the question of the beginnings and consistency of the development of secondary degenerations of individual systems in the spinal cord of dogs, specially put into the program of my study, also required the observance of the indicated conditions.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(3):1-66
pages 1-66 views

The current state of science on aphasia

Idelson G.


We very often come across agraphy as a complication in any form of rupture disorder. This even in some forms of verbal speech is a direct consequence of it. For most people, even for many who have been, the right hand has the ability to write; it, therefore, is located under the influence of the center, which innervates the movements of the right hand. The paralysis of the right hand, in the face of a lesion in the center of the upper limb (the middle third of both central gyri), will, of course, destroy the careful movement necessary for writing. Sometimes, on the other hand, agraphia without the slightest damage to the motor function of the hand is subject to even greater doubt. Even Pitres's remarkable case showed mild motor and sensory disorders. Such disorders, perhaps, are easier to detect on the hands, than similar disorders with local aphasia on the lips, tongue, etc., since there can be corrected in the result of external infiltration from the opposite hemisphere, which is impossible here. But in any case, there is a connection on one side of the r between the normal state of the hand and the ability to write on the other side between agraphia and paralysis of the right hand.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(3):67-78
pages 67-78 views

Differential diagnosis of multiple neuritis. Polyesthesia and macroesthesia

Shcherbak A.E., Ivanov I.I.


The involvement of the spinal cord in infectious polyneuritis can be primary or secondary.
With regard to primary participation, here again two clinical forms must be distinguished:
1) Toxins have only a short-term and weak effect on the spinal cord, which is expressed, usually at the beginning of the disease, by transient disorders of the functions of the bladder and rectum, at which, however, the usual clinical picture and the course of polyneuritis do not represent significant changes; prediction does not get worse (compare the cases of Oppenheim’a, Kanonnikov, Charcot, Rhode, etc.)
2) In the second category of cases, the toxins act more vigorously on the blood vessels and the most nervous elements of the spinal cord, causing persistent organic damage to it, and how new, unusual for polyneuritis, features are introduced into the clinical picture, so the course of the disease changes; prediction gets worse.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(3):79-102
pages 79-102 views

The value of the Formol-Müller fluid in the hardening and staining of brain preparations

Osipov V.P.


In March 1896, an article by Professor Orth appeared in the Berliner Klinische Wochenschrift, in which he proposes a new sealing liquid, consisting of formalin and Müller's liquid and named after Formol-Müller's. Its composition: 100 parts of Müllerian liquid + 10 parts of formalin (by volume). Judging by Orta's article, preparations compacted in his liquid should be stored for a very long time.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(3):103-109
pages 103-109 views


Chizh V.F.


Karl Barakall, Latvian, peasant — farmer for 24 years, comes from a healthy family; between the family of the patient, no one suffered from mental or nervous diseases. K.B. was always healthy and nothing abnormal was suppressed to the point of real illness. In June 1893, he once came from the field before the end of the work, complained of a headache, prayed, talked about his crimes, and did not attribute to himself any crimes that were not perfect by him, but only exaggerated the meaning of really perfect ones: rarely went to scolded, etc. He was looking for a rope and at the same time said that he needed it in order to hang himself; they began to persuade him not to think about suicide and he now promised that he would not encroach on his life; he was apparently pleased with the participation of his relatives, and when they persuaded him, he was pleased and calm, hugged them, kissed them, but he himself did not speak and responded briefly but reasonably to the persistent repeated appeals to him. 

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(3):110-119
pages 110-119 views

A case of hysterical aphasia

Zhestkov V.I.


Hysterical aphasia or, as it is more often called, hysterical dumbness, is a relatively uncommon symptom of speech disorders in hysteria. For the first time, he was described by Charcot, who indicated the characteristic signs of hysterical dullness, distinguishing it from aphasia of organic origin: patients cannot pronounce a single word, not a single sound, although they correctly perform various movements with their tongues and lips; they are quite vividly explained by facial expressions, gestures; neither agraphia nor alexia is observed at the same time, there is also no verbal deafness; the intellectuals of the sick are not disturbed at all. Further observations in this direction have shown, however, that in some cases, hysterical dullness is accompanied by both agraphia and verbal dullness and deafness. Such cases were described by Charcot (right-sided hemiplegia and complete misery with agraphia, Cartaz, Mendel, Lemoine). In Russian literature, cases of hysterical mutilation were described by Davydov and B.I. Vorotynsky.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(3):120-128
pages 120-128 views

About the perverted light reaction of the pupils

Bekhterev V.M.


In view of the special interest of our case, we will enter here into consideration of the anatomical and physiological side of the normal light reaction and try to explain the peculiar symptom observed in the patient, which is called the perverted or paradoxical reaction of the pupils. As is known, the common oculomotor nerve innervates the muscle that lifts the upper eyelid, the four external ocular muscles: the internal, upper and lower rectus, lower oblique and two internal muscles of the eye — the orbicular muscle of the pupil and the lumbar muscle, there are probably only seven muscles. The physiological conditions of the movement of the eye muscles convince us that not all of them have a separate movement. Excluding the lower oblique, which plays the role of an accessory muscle, and the orbicular muscle of the pupil, which is not rapidly contracting together with the lumbar muscle, all other muscles are so adapted to isolated movements that, it would seem, one could expect the corresponding differentiation in their nuclei.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(3):138-159
pages 138-159 views

About the connections of the cerebellum with the rest of the central nervous system

Telyatnik P.I.


As you know, the cerebellum has three pairs of legs, through which all the fibers pass, originating in it and heading to one or another part of the central nervous system, as well as fibers starting in other areas and ending in the cerebellum. Thus, knowing the composition of each cerebellar peduncle separately, we will very much have an idea of ​​the connections that exist between the cerebellum and the rest of the central nervous system. If, in addition, we could not only dismember each cerebellar pedicle into its component parts, but also trace the path of each individual bundle along its entire length to its beginning and end, then the question of cerebellar connections could be considered exhausted.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(3):129-137
pages 129-137 views


John Turner. Statistics dealing with Hereditary Insanity, based on upwards of a Thousand Cases occuring in the Essex County Asylum. (The journal of mental science. 1896, № 142)


The statistics of American psychiatric hospitals (Pennsylvania, New York) show that women are more likely to be affected by hereditary mental illnesses than men and more often than the latter pass on their ailment to female offspring, namely in the ratio 1, 7: 1. English statistics show that men are inherited passes more often from the father (in 1, 1 times), and to women - from mothers (in 1, 3 times more often than the father of the father).

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(3):161-162
pages 161-162 views

В. Stewart: The Increase of general Paralysis in England and Wales: its Causation and Significance. (The journal of mental science. 1896, № 143)


In England and Wallis for 1881-1891. the number of population increased by 11, 7%, while cases of mental insanity - by 15, 24%. The share of general progressive paralysis accounts for 9% of the total number of patients admitted to psychiatric hospitals in England and Wallis. For 15 years (1878-1892) the number of paralytics was 18438, accounting for 8% of the total number of patients in 1878-1882. 8.6% in 1883-1887 and 8, 9% —in 1888-1892.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(3):162-162
pages 162-162 views

S. Havelock: A case of Recurrent Mania. (The journal of mental science, № 143)


The author cites one case of acute mania, which returned during 34 years of 20 years. In the intervals between the seizures, the patient (the merchant) was quite successful in his own affairs and at the present time, 4 years after the last seizure, he feels completely healthy in physical and mental relations. There is no predisposition.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(3):163-163
pages 163-163 views

Prof. Ad. Strümpell: On the examination, assessment and treatment of accident patients. Munich, 1896


The main provisions of the author concerning the issue of illnesses due to accidents are formulated by him in the following way: The name "traumatic neurosis" in the sense, in which it has been used so far, should in no case serve to designate a certain, special illness. The baptized name "traumatic neuroses" sick states are related to hypochondria, neurasthenia, hysteria, litigation and others to the same category. These are psychogenic illnesses, in which the trauma itself does not play any role.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(3):163-164
pages 163-164 views

Dr. Alessandro Tedeschi: Anatomisch - experimenteller Beitrag zum Studium der Regeneration des Gewebes des Centralnervensystems. Beiträge zur pathologischen Anatomie et caet. XXI Bd. Erstes Heft. 1897. S. S. 43—72

Smirnov A.E.


The question of the regeneration of the nervous tissue in general and the elements of the central nervous system in particular was the subject of numerous and conscientious studies; but to this day this question is open, it is the arena of various, even directly opposite views. The author, on the basis of his numerous, which required a significant investment of time and labor, experiments and observations, decides the question in a positive sense regarding the participation of nervous elements in the regeneration of the central nervous system in mammals. The author, in a large, but complete essay, introduces the issue to the literature, sets out in detail the technique of performing experiments, points to the technique that he used in microscopic studies, gives several protocols of pathological and anatomical dissections of experimental animals and, finally, details of microscopic studies of the brain with an illustration of words with the corresponding drawings, gives conclusions from their observations, the presentation of which I will limit myself to this abstract.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(3):164-166
pages 164-166 views

К. Schaffer: Zur feineren Struktur der Hirnrinde und über funktionelle Bedeutung der Nervenzellenfortsätze. Arch. f. Mikrosk. Anatomie. XLVIIL 4 Heft. 1897. S. S. 550—572

Smirnov A.E.


The author's research refers to the anterior cerebral cortex of a newborn dog. The author studies in detail the so-called tiny pyramidal cells, lying between the pluripolar cells of the molecular layer and the small (true) pyramidal cells. Already R. y Cajal drew attention to polygonal or core-shaped cells, the cells that lie behind the layer of the outermost cells (pluripolare Nervenzellen von R. y Cajal), but did not separate them into a special group, believing that these cells were gradually changing vid, go into the small pyramids, to which he numbered them. Schaffer separates these cells into a special group, calling it the layer of surface polymorphic cells. These cells have a dark variety of shapes (fusiform, oval, roundish, pear-shaped, polygonal) and lie in approximately four (4) rows. Dendrites go then, mainly, in two opposite directions (for fusiform cells), then they move radially in all directions (for round and polygonal cells). The number of dendrites is sometimes strikingly abundant. Dendrites going to the surface of the brain reach it, while dendrites of the opposite direction sometimes go down to the ammonium formations of the cerebral cortex. Special attention should be paid to the axial cylinder of the disassembled cells; on the basis of the features of this appendix, the author distinguishes 3 types of disassembled cells.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(3):167-169
pages 167-169 views

H. M. Reznikov. To the doctrine of the structure of the retina. -Diss. SPb. 1897 year

Vorotynskiy B.I.


The work was carried out in the laboratory arranged by the author at the zemstvo emergency room. The author made his research according to the Golgi-Cajal method. At the beginning of the work, the author gives a short historical overview of the study of the structure of the retina, then describes the technique of the Golgi method in applying to the retina and finally gives the results of his own studies on birds.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(3):169-170
pages 169-170 views

Хроника и смѣсь

Chronicle and mix. Volume V, № 3 (1897)

Ostankov P.A.


On May 19 in Kazan he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medicine as an assistant at the Department of Psychiatry of the Kazan University B. I. Vorotynskiy. The professional opponents were: N.A.Mislavsky, L.O.Darkshevich and I.M.Dogel. All opponents gave flattering reviews about the candidate's work and wished him to continue to work with the same success in his chosen field.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(3):174-176
pages 174-176 views

Письмо в редакцию

Letter to the editor. Volume V, № 3 (1897)

Ginzburg-Shik D.


Dear Mr. Editor! In the section "Chronicle and mixture", issue 2 of the V volume of "Neurological Bulletin", there is a note in which it is said that "in the Kherson psychiatric hospital, an audit is being carried out regarding the abuse discovered by the head physician, who has been temporarily removed from the performance of his duties." This naturally leads the author of the lock "to very sad reflections." 

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(3):171-173
pages 171-173 views

Annals of society

The chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the emergency meeting on February 2

Popov N.M.


Chaired by H. M. Popov, with the secretary V. P. Zhestkov; attended by Messrs. acting members: K. A. Arnshtein, K. V. Voroshilov, N. A. Mislavsky, N. A. Tolmachev, B. I. Vorotynskiy, A. F. Geberg, I. Naumov, D. V. Polumordvinov, L. A. Sergeev, P. S. Skuridin, D. A. Timofeev, S. N. Urvantsov; guests: Dr. Borman, Dolgov, Nikolaev and about 100 students.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(3):177-178
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The chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the meeting of the Society on March 30

Popov N.M.


Chaired by H. M. Popov, with secretary B. I. Vorotynsky; attended by: honorary member K. A. Arnstein and acting members: N. A. Mislavskiy, D. V. Polumordvinov, D. A. Timofeev, I. Ye. Egorov, P. S. Skuridin, I. I. Naumov, V.V. Nikolaev and a few people of the outside public. The protocol of the previous session was read and approved.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(3):178-180
pages 178-180 views

Chronicle of scientific gatherings of doctors of the St. Petersburg clinic for mental and nervous diseases. Emergency 2/15 1996 year

Bekhterev V.M.


Chairman. Prof. Bekhterev, attended by: Erlitskiy, Dobrotvorskiy, Delov, Borispolskiy, Giza, Ostankov, Blumenau, Rosenbakh, Schelogin guests: Pyasetskiy, Lebedev, Levchatkin, Yurman and prof. Khrushchov.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(3):a1-a3
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Chronicle of scientific gatherings of doctors of the St. Petersburg clinic for mental and nervous diseases. Protocol of appointment on February 29, 96

Bekhterev V.M.


Chaired by V. M. Bekhterev, the.: A. F. Garlicky, doctors clinic: Rosenbach, Dobrotvorsky, Cases, Remains, Calf, Osipov Boripol, Trapeznikov, Holzinger, Zhukovsky, Blumenau, Bazilevsky, Soković, guests: Leucadia, Selegelin.

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(3):a3-a7
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Chronicle of scientific gatherings of doctors of the St. Petersburg clinic for mental and nervous diseases. Protocol of appointment 19/3 96

Bekhterev V.M.


Chairman prof. Bekhterev, with: Erlitsky, Rosenbakh. Dobrotvorskiy, Borispolskiy, Trapeznikov, Zhukovskiy. Gize, Ostankov, Osipov, Remers, Telyatnik.
Borispolskiy. Sciatic pain treatment by Scottish souls. 

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(3):a7-a11
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Chronicle of scientific gatherings of doctors of the St. Petersburg clinic for mental and nervous diseases. Protocol of appointment 11/4 96 years

Bekhterev V.M.


Chairman prof. Bekhterev, attended by: Erlitskii, Rosenbakh, Ostankov, Zhukovskii, Osipov, Telyatnik, Gize, Borispolskii, Trapeznikov, Doulov, Blumenau, Dobrotvorskii.Dr. Dobrotvorskiy. Demonstration of a patient with amnesia for the entire period of mental disorder. 

Neurology Bulletin. 1897;V(3):a11-a17
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