G. Etienne arbitrary zoniform hemorrhage (Nouvelle Iconographie de la Salpätriere № 5, 1907)


The author gives a description of the case, in his opinion, the only one so far in the literature. She was 80 years old, a cheerful old woman consulted a doctor about severe pain in the right supraorbital region; 3 days after the onset, dark spots were found in the lower and upper orbital areas, as it were, of ecchymosis, and it was precisely established that there was no traumatic moment. Severe pain when touched barely allowed a finger to be touched; the subsequent course of ecchymosis was normal. The innervation of the entire area captured by ecchymotic spots, located in the correct belt around the orbit, is described very accurately, and, according to the author, the topographic relations of spots and innervation are so characteristic in their coincidence that the whole process can be attributed to changes in sensory and trophic disorders mainly in the branches frontalis and upper branch n. trigemini of this area.


Copyright (c) 1907 Board E.

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