Modern concepts of molecular genetic mechanisms and pathogenesis of the main forms of idiopathic generalized epilepsy

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In the International Classification of Epilepsies and Epileptic Syndromes in 1989 [7], syndromes of both partial and generalized and symptomatic, cryptogenic and idiopathic epilepsy are distinguished. The latter are characterized as “diseases not caused by obvious causes, with the exception of the alleged hereditary predisposition and occur in 25-30% of all epilepsy cases [2]. Idiopathic generalized epilepsies (IGE) are characterized by such common features as the onset of seizures mainly in childhood and adolescence, a high incidence of epilepsy among relatives, the absence of any organic brain disease that causes epilepsy, and focal symptoms in the neurological status, and normal intelligence of patients. , absence of gross morphological changes in the brain during neuroimaging. The IGE is also characterized by the presence of a triad of primary generalized seizures (absences, myoclonic paroxysms and generalized seizures) in any combination, registration on the EEG in the interictal period of spike-wave and polyspike-wave epileptiform activity and the possibility of arresting all seizures (especially valproate) [ 2].

About the authors

N. Yu. Perunova

Ural State Medical Academy

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg


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