Neurologic and neuropsyhologic manifestations of specific learning disorders in children

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There were studied clinical and neuropsyhologic specific learning disorders of secondary school children from the 1st to the 5th forms with the aim of finding out the main prognostically unfavourable factors of disgraphia and dislexia development. The specific learning disorders are stable. Regress of symptoms up to the 5th form took place only in 4 children. 50% of schoolchildren got secondary neurotic complaints. The prognostically unfavourable learning disorders are the following symptoms: phenomen of reflecting writing (observed in 1-2 forms of school), disorders of space impression, of aural perception (including phonematic hearing). Most patients had a combination of residually — organic lesions of brain, family hystory with dysgraphia and unfavourable social factors.

About the authors

T. P. Kalashnikova

Perm State Medical Academy

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Perm


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Copyright (c) 2002 Kalashnikova T.P.

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