Correction results of dysploproteidemy in patients with vertebrobasilar insufficiency syndrome

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Enfluence of tanakan, intravenous quantum bemotberapy, fishant and their combination on manifestation of major clinical signs, state of lipid exchange and rheologic blood properties in patients with vertebrobasilar insufficiency syndrome has been studied. Hyperlipoproteinemia mainly due to atherogenic lipoproteids and encreased blood viscosity in patients With this syndrome have been determined. The above mentioned makes reasonable to perform a correction of the revealed alterations. The maximum therapeutic effect in the form of reliable descrease of atherogenic lipoproteids and normalizing blood viscosity has been recorded on the background of blockade in enterohepatic circulation of bile accids and also of combination of fishant and quantum irradiation of blood.

About the authors

N. A. Petukhova

Clinical Hospital No. 83 of the Federal Administration "Medbioextrem" at the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Russian State Medical University

Author for correspondence.

Center for Audiology and Phoniatrics

Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow

P. R. Kamchatnov

Clinical Hospital No. 83 of the Federal Administration "Medbioextrem" at the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Russian State Medical University


Center for Audiology and Phoniatrics

Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow


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Copyright (c) 2001 Petukhova N.A., Kamchatnov P.R.

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