Disturbance of sleep structure and vegetative regulation during sleep in patients with insult

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Peculiarities of night sleep structure and vegetative regulation during sleep in 30 patients with ischemic insult of different localization using clinical, polysomnographic (including vegetative quotient) and psychological methods arestudied. It is shown that structure of night sleep in patiens is considerably changed and this is manifested in lengthening of falling asleep, possibilities of supporting the necessarydurability of sleeping stages and phases. The most significant changes occured in heart rate and arterial pressure, reffecting function of cardiovascular system. The most sharply defined disturbance of sleep structure and vegetative regulation duringsleeping in ischemic insult are correlated with right hemispherical and medial sites of the injury foci. High heartrate and arterial pressure in sleeping (espesially in fast sleep phase), their variability and lowering from the first to the third cycle are prognostically unfavorable.

About the authors

Y. I. Levin

Moscow Medical Academy. IM Sechenov; City Clinical Hospital № 33 name A.A. Ostroumova

Email: info@eco-vector.com

City Sleep Center, Moscow Health Committee

Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow

А. М. Wein

City Sleep Center, Moscow Health Committee

Email: info@eco-vector.com

City Sleep Center, Moscow Health Committee

Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow

R. L. Gasanov

Moscow Medical Academy. IM Sechenov; City Clinical Hospital № 33 name A.A. Ostroumova

Email: info@eco-vector.com

City Sleep Center, Moscow Health Committee

Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow

Т. R. Gitlevlch

Moscow Medical Academy. IM Sechenov; City Clinical Hospital № 33 name A.A. Ostroumova

Email: info@eco-vector.com

City Sleep Center, Moscow Health Committee

Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow

V. N. Lesnyak

Moscow Medical Academy. IM Sechenov; City Clinical Hospital № 33 name A.A. Ostroumova

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com

City Sleep Center, Moscow Health Committee

Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow


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Copyright (c) 1997 Levin Y.I., Wein А.М., Gasanov R.L., Gitlevlch Т.R., Lesnyak V.N.

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