About some unused reserves of the scientific heritage of V.M. Ankylosing spondylitis

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In the choice of the topic and direction of scientific research, along with many objective factors, the psychological attitude of the researcher, his current interests and attitude to this topic play an important role. At the same time, the results of the works of famous scientists often pass by the attention of contemporaries and remain unclaimed. Suffice it to refer to the discoveries of GI Mendel, made in 1865-1866. and which attracted attention only in 1900. The scientific heritage of our great compatriot VM Bekhterev is being developed very intensively with a few exceptions.

About the authors

Yakov Y. Popelyansky

Kazan Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, All-Russian Center of Vertebroneurology

Russian Federation, Kazan


  1. Бехтерев В.М. Основы учения о функциях мозга.— 1905—В.4.—С.90.
  2. Бехтерев В.М. Проводящие пути спинного и головного мозга.—Л., 1926.
  3. Клосовский Б.И. Механизм вестибулярного нистагма и участие его в корковых движениях глаз: Автореф. дисс. ... дикт.—М., 1939.
  4. Попелянский Я.Ю. К патофизиологии паркинсонизма после эпидемического энцефалита (элементы децеребрационной ригидности в нарушениях мышечного тонуса, позы и походки) // В кн.: Сб. работ Сталинского ин-та усоверш. врачей, кафед. нервн. б-ней.—Сталинск., 1957.— С.44—57.
  5. Футер Д. С. Децеребрационная ригидность у человека.—М., 1947.
  6. Muskens L. Das supravestibulare System —Amsterdam, 1934

Copyright (c) 1997 Popelyansky Y.Y.

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