Anti cytokine therapy of secondarily-progressing multiple sclerosis (ms)

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For treating active forms of secondarily-progressing multiple sclerosis a preliminary clinical trial was performed by two courses: antibody-to-cytokine course (γINT, αINT and TNFα) and cyclosporin А-course (sandimmun). Data of preliminary test of antibodies to cytokines evidence to possibility of performing further clinical trials "antibodies to γINT and to TNFα (to a lesser degree)" during active forms of progressive MS. Were obtained the results, evidencing to a possible use of sandimmun in constantly progressive forms of secondarily progressing disease, when favourable clinical effect coincided with supression of cytokine IL-2 production and lowering of activeness of immunocytes.

About the authors

Е. I. Gusev

Russian State Medical University; ABC Labs

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow; Rockville, USA

Т. L. Demina

Российский государственный медицинский университет; ABC Labs

Russian Federation, Москва; Роквил, США

А. N. Boiko

Russian State Medical University; ABC Labs

Russian Federation, Moscow; Rockville, USA

А. V. Buglak

Russian State Medical University; ABC Labs

Russian Federation, Moscow; Rockville, USA

I. А. Belyaeva

Russian State Medical University; ABC Labs

Russian Federation, Moscow; Rockville, USA

N. F. Smirnova

Russian State Medical University; ABC Labs

Russian Federation, Moscow; Rockville, USA

Т. G. Alekseeva

Russian State Medical University; ABC Labs

Russian Federation, Moscow; Rockville, USA

М. V. Pashchenkov

Russian State Medical University; ABC Labs

Russian Federation, Moscow; Rockville, USA

В. Skurkovich

Russian State Medical University; ABC Labs

Russian Federation, Moscow; Rockville, USA

D. Kelly

Russian State Medical University; ABC Labs

United States, Moscow; Rockville, USA

S. V. Skurkovic

Russian State Medical University; ABC Labs

Russian Federation, Moscow; Rockville, USA


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Copyright (c) 1997 Gusev Е.I., Demina Т.L., Boiko А.N., Buglak А.V., Belyaeva I.А., Smirnova N.F., Alekseeva Т.G., Pashchenkov М.V., Skurkovich В., Kelly D., Skurkovic S.V.

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