On neuroimmune mechanisms of pathogenesis of epileptic paroxisms in children

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Results of immunological investigation of antibody level to galactocerebrosides in children with paroxismal disturbances of consciousness of different severity and in children of control group, as well as in mothers of the ill and healthy children are presented. It has been determined that level of antibodies related to galactocerebrosides correlates with the severity of the course of epileptic paroxisms in children. In all children with nonepileptic paroxysms titers of antibodies related to galactocerebrosides coincide with age-dependent estimated data. Titers of antibodies related to galactocerebrosides of diagnostic value are absent in all the women whose children suffer from nonepileptic as well as benign epileptic paroxysms. The obtained results in conjunction with clinical biochemical findings allow to carry out early diagnosis of severe forms of epileptic paroxisms in children, to prognose the course of disease and promote to timely administration of pathogenetic treatment.

About the authors

V. I. Guzeva

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Academy

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com
Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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Copyright (c) 1997 Guzeva V.I.

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