Clinical and neurophysiologic peculiarities of epileptic syndrome in patients with ischemia of brain

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By clinico-instrumental examination in 610 patients with ischemic insult at the age of from 30 to 89 it was determined that 8.7% of them have had 3 and more epileptic fits. According to the international classification ischemic insults are one of the reasons of increasing incidence of epileptic fits in the aged people.

About the authors

G. S. Burd

Russian State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow

А. В. Gekht

Russian State Medical University

Russian Federation, Moscow

М. V. Selikhova

Russian State Medical University

Russian Federation, Moscow

V. V. Belyakov

Russian State Medical University

Russian Federation, Moscow

А. N. Bogolepova

Russian State Medical University

Russian Federation, Moscow

А. V. Lebedeva

Russian State Medical University

Russian Federation, Moscow

N. A. Pavlov

Russian State Medical University

Russian Federation, Moscow

N. N. Dorzhieva

Russian State Medical University

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Copyright (c) 1997 Burd G.S., Gekht А.В., Selikhova М.V., Belyakov V.V., Bogolepova А.N., Lebedeva А.V., Pavlov N.A., Dorzhieva N.N.

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