Max Löwy. The scope of one phenomenon of uneasiness: hallucination of a call by name (in connection with delusions of attitudes or without such). Ueber eine Unruheerscheinung: Die Hallucination des Anrufes mit dem eigenen Namen (ohne und mit Beachtungswahn). Iahrbüchern für Psychiatrie und Neurologie XXXIII. Band

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The author summarizes the results of his research on this issue as follows:
1. Hit on the shoulder, nod, exclamations hey, hello, being called by name — all these impressions have the common feature that they all mean a call, a call. Their task is to draw the attention of a given person to an event that is about to take place and to cause him a feeling of expectation of something undetermined, but having an important meaning for him.
Thus, a certain state of mind is created in the given person called, which gives the words or gestures addressed to him the character of a call.
This state of mind is formed on the one hand from the feeling that these words or gestures mean this particular person, refer directly to him, on the other hand, from a feeling of undefined expectation and a sense of importance, significance (Importanrgefühl).
There is a strong associative connection between the mental state of the call and the auditory impression of the pronunciation of one's own name.
2. The main rule of the mental process is that the associative path between two mental elements can be traversed in both directions.

About the authors

R. Averbuch

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


Copyright (c) 1912 Averbuch R.

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