Passion for autism (on the controversial and indisputable aspects of V.E. Pashkovsky monograph “10 lectures on autism”)

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The article analyzes the scientific foundations set out in the book by V.E. Pashkovsky “10 lectures on autism”. It is noted that the author expresses his own point of view on autism and does not agree with the position of the World Health Organization and the world psychiatric community on the diagnostic criteria and treatment strategies for autism spectrum disorders. If on the issue of the peculiarities of diagnostics, the author’s arguments can be recognized as admissible, since the diagnosis in modern psychiatry reflects the consensus of specialists, then some provisions of V.E. Pashkovsky on the topic of the validity of the use of antipsychotics (neuroleptics) for the treatment of patients with autism should be considered as undocumented and misleading specialists.

About the authors

Vladimir D. Mendelevich

Kazan State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8489-3130
Scopus Author ID: 6602765981

MD, PhD, Head of department of medical psychology

Russian Federation, 420012, Kazan, Butlerov str., 49


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