On the question of the innervation of the movements of the pupil

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In the next group of experiments, we studied the question of reflex dilation of the pupil with irritation of sensory nerves after overloading n. optici inside the skull, wishing to supplement the observation of the operated animals presented in the first section of the work. Of this group of experiments, only in some of which photographic registration was applied, in experiments relating to the early period of our work, we used the usual measuring method. As in other groups, we do not present all the experiments here, since many gave completely similar results, but we will present only the most valuable, typical ones.

About the authors

V. V. Chirkovskiy

Physiological laboratory of the Imperial Kazan University

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com
Russian Federation, Kazan


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 9. The pupil of the rabbit after the overload is cute. and visual. and. (R.); That is, the mark of irritation t — the mark of time.

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3. Fig. 10. Pupil after reloading n. optici— (p). f) the moment of irritation; m.-maximum expansion. That is, f is a break in the photogram due to the rabbit's movements. in the return of the pupil to the previous state. t — time marker.

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4. Fig. 11. Pupil after transection n. optici. (R); e - a marker of irritation; t — timer; ab — beginning and end of irritation n. ischiadici;

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5. Fig. 13. The pupil of the cat after cutting oculomotorii and sympathici — p; t - time marker; e. - a marker of irritation; ab start and end of irritation n. ischiadici.jpeg

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6. Fig. 14. Pupil (p; t - time marker; e - irritation marker; ab - beginning and end of irritation n. Ischiadici.

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7. Fig. 15. Pupil after transection of oculomotorii and sympathici (p); t — timer; e - a marker of irritation; ab. - the beginning and the end of irritation n. Ischiadici.

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8. Fig. 16. Rabbit pupil after cutting oculomotorii and optici (p); t — time marker; e - a marker of irritation; a - the moment of dressing n. ischiadici.

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9. Fig. 17. Pupil of a cat after cutting n. oculomotorii - (p); t — timer; e. — Marker of irritation; a.b. — beginning and end of irritation n. ischiadici; m —maximum extension

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10. Fig. 18. Pupil of a cat after cutting n. oculomotorii (p); t — timer; e - a marker of irritation; a.b. — beginning and end of irritation n. ischiadici.

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11. Photogram tables.

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Copyright (c) 1904 Chirkovskiy V.V.

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