On the question of the peripheral innervation of the rectum. Critical and experimental research

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All experiments were made by you 56. Of these, 10 experiments with negative pressure, 8 experiments with double registration (according to Courtade and Guyon` y), 15 with simultaneous registration of three bowel sections (colonis, recti and sphinct. Inter.), 4 experiments with irritation spinal roots, 2 experiments for examining the external sphincter. The remaining 17 embrace the usual experiments of investigating the movements of the recti under the influence of the irritated intestinal nerves according to the method indicated by us in the beginning of our work; this also included 5 experiments with combined irritations n. erigentis and n. hypogastrici.

About the authors

A. V. Vishnevskiy

Physiological laboratory of the Imperial Kazan University

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com
Russian Federation, Kazan


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Copyright (c) 1904 Vishnevskiy A.V.

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