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In case of various kinds of diseases of the fundus of the eye, clinicians usually use the study in the opposite view for diagnostics purposes, thus obtaining and examining a real image of the fundus. Therefore, it is quite natural to desire first of all to be able to photograph a real reverse image of the retina. This is precisely the goal we set ourselves when we were studying the blood filling of retinal and choroidal vessels under the influence of various drugs or electrical irritation of the vagus and sympathetic nerve in higher animals.

About the authors

V. V. Nikolaev

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com
Russian Federation


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  2. Prof. Noyes. Congrès périodique international des sciences medicales. Copenhague. 1884. Section d’ophtalmologie, стр. 34.
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  7. Liebreich. цит. по Guilloz.
  8. Prof. Dor. La photographie de l’image ophtalmoscopique. Congrès pеriodique international des sciences medicales. 1884.
  9. Jakman und
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  16. Fick. Congrès d’Heidelberg. 1891. цит. пo Guinkoff’y и Бекману.
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  19. Prof. Th. Guilloz. La photographie instanée du fond de l’oeil humain. Archives d’Ophtalmologie. Т. 13. 1893.
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  21. D-r U. Guinkoff. Snr un procédé de photographie de la rétine. Comptes Rendus de I’Akadémie des Sciences. 1896.
  22. D-r U. Guinkoff. La photographie de la rétine. Montpellier. 1897.
  23. Prof. Th. Guilloz. Sur la photographie de la rétine. Comptes Rendus de I’Akadémie des Sciences. 1896.
  24. D-r W. Nikolaew und
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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1

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3. Fig. 2

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4. Fig. 3

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5. Fig. 4

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6. Table of figures

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Copyright (c) 1901 Nikolaev V.V.

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