The role of gastrointestinal specific anxiety and alexithymia as predictors of the severity of irritable bowel syndrome in women

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Aim. To analyze the role of gastrointestinal specific anxiety and alexithymia in predicting the severity of the disease in 194 women with moderate to severe IBS with refractory course (average duration of the disease 38.4 months).

Methods of investigation. Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale-IBS (GSRS-IBS), Irritable Bowel Syndrome Severity Scoring System (IBS-SSS), Visceral Sensitivity Index (VSI), TAS-20, HADS, and SF-12.

Results. It was shown that in women, the severity of irritable bowel syndrome and the risks of refractory course are closely related to high alexithymia and uncontrolled gastrointestinal specific anxiety, which are also related to each other. Patients with severe IBS significantly differ from patients with moderate symptomocoplex manifestations (pain, bloating, diarrheal manifestations), satisfaction with the quality of life, pronounced symptoms of depression, visceral sensitivity and alexithymia, which contributes to the formation of a number of therapeutic barriers. Regression analysis showed that the severity of IBS was equally predicted by presence of alexithymia and gastrointestinal specific anxiety in the patient.

Conclusions. Alexithymia, especially the difficulty of expressing negative emotions (for example, irritation, anger), describing feelings, desires to other people, was a stronger factor in women predicting the severity of IBS compared to gastrointestinal specific anxiety. The presented symptomatic picture of alexithymic manifestations in patients with IBS shows that violations of emotional awareness affect the pathogenesis, the spectrum of reinsurance and avoidance behavior.

About the authors

Aleksey I. Melehin

Humanitarian Institute named after P.A. Stolypin

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5633-7639
SPIN-code: 6982-1468

PhD, associate professor, clinical psychologist of the highest qualification category

Russian Federation, 107076, Moscow, Bukhvostova str., 1-ya, 12/11, bldg. 20


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