Comparative features of coping mechanisms in patients with neurotic and somatoform disorders

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Aim of this work is to study coping strategies in patients with various neurotic and somatoform disorders.

Methods: clinical and psychopathological, experimental psychological and statistical.

Results. We examined 242 patients with various neurotic and somatoform disorders. Patients often use less adaptive forms of coping strategies, which is reflected in adaptation decrease during the period of frustrating events.

Conclusions. There are differences in the use of coping strategies in different groups, which indicates a connection between them and the formed clinical forms of neurotic and somatoform disorders. This study can be used for adequate and effective psychotherapy and psychoprevention.

About the authors

Dina R. Timutsa

Kazan State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, 420012, Kazan, Butlerova str., 49

Vladimir D. Mendelevich

Kazan State Medical University


Доктор медицинских наук, профессор, зав. кафедрой медицинской психологии

Russian Federation, 420012, Kazan, Butlerova str., 49


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. The structure of the studied groups on the basis of "the ratio of positive or negative coping strategies"

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3. Fig. 2. Average values of the studied groups on the basis of "confrontation"

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4. Fig. 3. Average values of the studied groups on the basis of "distancing"

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5. Fig. 4. Average values of the studied groups on the basis of "self-control"

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6. Fig. 5. Average values of the studied groups on the basis of "seeking social support"

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7. Fig. 6. Average values of the studied groups on the basis of "taking responsibility"

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8. Fig. 7. Average values of the studied groups on the basis of "flight-avoidance"

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9. Fig. 8. Average values of the studied groups on the basis of "planning a solution to the problem"

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10. Fig. 9. Average values of the studied groups on the basis of "positive overestimation"

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Copyright (c) 2021 Timutsa D.R., Mendelevich V.D.

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