Interconnection of anticipation abilities and coping strategies in patients with mixed anxiety and depressive disorder

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Aim of this study was to evaluate interconnection of anticipatory consistency and coping strategies in patients with mixed anxiety and depression disorder.

Methods. Clinical and psychopathological, experimental- psychological and statistical.

Results. We examined anticipatory consistency and coping strategies of 31 patients with mixed anxiety and depression disorder. It is concluded that with temporary anticipatory failure in patients, the methods of defense “confrontation” and “escape-avoidance” are enhanced, and the temporal and prognostic solvency increase the indicator of general anticipatory solvency.

Conclusion. In a mixed anxiety and depressive state, anticipatory consistency and coping strategies are interrelated and interdependent parameters.

About the authors

Dina R. Timutsa

Kazan State Medical University

Author for correspondence.

Department of Medical Psychology

Russian Federation, 420012, Kazan, Butlerova str., 49


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Average values of the coping strategy questionnaire test (Lazarus R.) in the group of mixed anxiety and depressive disorders

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3. Fig. 2. Average values of the test of anticipatory consistency in the group of mixed anxiety and depressive disorders

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4. Fig. 3. The results of the clinical questionnaire for the identification and assessment of neurotic conditions

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5. Fig. 4. Correlogram of the studied indicators; PS1 - psychological trauma 1; PS2 - psychological trauma 2; DB - the duration of the disease; Adult - age; SKP - the ability to predict; SZPK - average value of positive coping strategies; SZNK - average value of negative coping strategies; PC / NK - the ratio of positive and negative coping strategies; K-I - confrontation; D-e - distancing; S-l - self-control; PSS - search for social support; PO - acceptance of responsibility; BI - escape-avoidance; PRP - planning a solution to the problem; PP - positive revaluation; ОАС - general anticipatory consistency; САС - personality-situational anticipatory consistency; PAS - spatial anticipatory consistency; BAC - temporary anticipatory consistency; SHT - alarm scale; SND - scale of neurotic depression; SHA - asthenia scale; SHITR - scale of the hysterical type of reaction; SHOFN - a scale of obsessive-phobic disorders; SCI - a scale of autonomic disorders

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