A typical case of syphilitic spinal cord injury

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There is not a single poison, not a single infection that would produce such a variety of changes in the body as syphilis. Not a single organ is guaranteed against this terrible scourge of modern humanity. More syphilis does not spare the central nervous system, which, thanks to the modern conditions of life, is a locus mi-noris resistentiae. Damaging this organ, it produces an extremely variegated picture of both pathological and anatomical changes and clinical manifestations and course, depending on the diversity of the nature of the process, very different localization, speed or slowness of development.

About the authors

A. Yanishevsky

Neurological department of professor N.M. Popov in Kazan Provincial Zemsky Hospital

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com


Russian Federation, Kazan


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  10. Raymond. Leçons sur les maladies du système nerveux. 1894—1895, р. 269.

Copyright (c) 1898 Yanishevsky A.

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