Philosophy of psychiatry: quarter of a century in discussions

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The papers presents the discussion field of a young branch of the philosophy of science — the philosophy of psychiatry. As an interdisciplinary platform in the dialogue of sciences, schools and individual professionals, it unites psychiatrists and philosophers, psychologists and social workers in discussing on crucial issues. The paper analyses a multiple field of discussion of the philosophy of psychiatry, separating two stages of its brief development: the stage of institutionalization and fixing of problems (1995‒2005) and the stage of expansion (2005 — present). Modern discussions are studied on the most important thematic blocks: (1) the methodology of human research; (2) the philosophical basis of psychiatric classification; (3) psychiatric ethics. The work presents the first complete and specialized review of discussions of the philosophy of psychiatry in Russian.

About the authors

Olga A. Vlasova

Saint Petersburg State University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, 199034, St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya emb., 7‒9


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