Influence of oxygen therapy methods in comprehensive treatment on cognitive functions at correction of alcohol withdrawal syndrome

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Aim. Based on the application of methods of normoxic therapeutic compression and hyperbaric oxygenation in combination with pharmacotherapy for the relief of cognitive impairment in alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS), to evaluate the effectiveness of their use to optimize the treatment process.

Methods. 160 patients with AWS were examined: 62 people underwent hyperbaric oxygenation and 56 normoxic therapeutic compression sessions along with symptomatic pharmacotherapy, 42 with drugs in accordance with medical care protocols. To assess the severity of the manifestations of AWS, the CIWA-A scale was used. Diagnosis and clinical verification of the diagnosis of alcohol dependence was carried out in accordance with the research criteria of the ICD-10 and AUDIT. To study cognitive impairment, the Schulte table technique was used.

Results. The use of the method of normoxic therapeutic compression in the complex treatment of AWS increases the “mental performance” after the first day of therapy by 4.6 times, after the third day of therapy, 3.18 times, after the seventh day of therapy, 3.25 times, compared with drugs.

Conclusion. Oxygen therapy methods in combination with pharmacotherapy should be used when stopping cognitive impairment in alcohol withdrawal syndrome, which will increase the effectiveness of treatment and avoid possible cognitive impairment in pharmacotherapy.

About the authors

Dmitry A. Kopytov

Belarusian State Medical University; Republican scientific and practice center of mental health

Belarus, 220116, Minsk, Dzerzhinsky Avenue, 83; 220053, Minsk, Dolginovsky tract, 152

Il’ya V. Bychenko

Republican scientific and practice center of mental health

Belarus, 220053, Minsk, Dolginovsky tract, 152

Andrej V. Kopytov

Belarusian State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Belarus, 220116, Minsk, Dzerzhinsky Avenue, 83


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Copyright (c) 2020 Kopytov D.A., Bychenko I.V., Kopytov A.V.

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