Stigmatization as a psychological resource for rehabilitation of cardiology clinic patients

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Aim. Identify the adaptive level of stigma and describe its characteristics.

Methods. Adapted for the cardiology clinic questionnaire of N. Sartorius, symptomatic questionnaire SCL-90-R (Simptom Check List-90-Revised), Schutz’s Interpersonal relations questionnaire (1958), Tobol test method of the type of attitude to disease and treatment, and the Personal differential questionnaire. The data obtained were processed using the statistical program SPPS 20.

Results. The study determined the optimal degree of stigmatization, which performed a positive role in relation to the state of health, helping patients to adequately assess the severity of the pathology, identify themselves with the disease and realize the necessary measure of their own responsibility in the treatment process (from 48 to 60). Clinical and social factors of optimal degree of stigmatization and successful rehabilitation of cardiology clinic patients are identified (resources): the patient’s higher education and the family’s tendency to low-protecting position potentially contribute to the treatment and rehabilitation of cardiology clinic patients with moderate severity of their somatic condition. Clinical and social factors (anti-resources) that prevent the formation of an optimal degree of stigmatization and successful rehabilitation of patients are identified: the operative type of treatment, the overprotective position of the family, which is not justified by a real need, and the low level of education. It is established that the absence of pronounced pathocharacterological features and difficulties in interpersonal interaction of patients with an average level of stigmatization is an argument for determining this level of stigmatization as a resource. According to the results of the study the tasks for the medical psychologist of the cardiology clinic are set:

1) diagnostic, which consists in determining the level of stigmatization, analyzing the ratio of the degree of stigmatization and the degree of severity of cardiovascular pathology, studying individual resources and anti-resources (attitude to the disease and treatment, pathocharacterological features and interpersonal features);

2) psychocorrective, which consists in forming an adequate position in relation to the disease and treatment of patients and their families, restoring intra-family ties, changing inadequate responses to the disease, creating realistic attitudes to treatment in patients and their family members.

Conclusion. The average degree of stigmatization is formed in patients in the absence of a pronounced personal and interpersonal problems, allowing them to receive social support in the conditions of restrictions imposed by the disease, and adapt to it. The average level of stigmatization in this case acts as an additional psychological resource for patients.

About the authors

Svetlana L. Solovyova

I.I. Mechnikov North-Western state medical University

Russian Federation, 195067, Saint Petersburg, Piskarevsky ave., 47AU

Natalya V. Vlasova

Almazov national medical research center

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, 197341, Saint Petersburg, Akkuratov str., 2


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure: 1. Comparative analysis of the average values of stigmatization depending on the severity of cardiovascular pathology,%

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3. Figure: 2. Comparative analysis of the average values of stigma depending on the type of treatment (therapeutic, surgical),%

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4. Figure: 3. Comparative analysis of the average values of stigma depending on the patient's condition at the time of hospitalization,%

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5. Figure: 4. Comparative analysis of the average values of stigma depending on the educational level of patients,%

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6. Figure: 5. Comparative analysis of the average values of stigmatization depending on the position of the family in the treatment process,%

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Copyright (c) 2021 Solovyova S.L., Vlasova N.V.

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