Gilles De La Tourette syndrome. Clinical diagnostic and therapeutic features

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The article presents and analyzes current views on the classification, pathogenesis, diagnostic and treatment of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. The age and gender features of the course of Tourette syndrome (TS) and comorbid disorders are described. In many psychiatrists’ opinion one of the most important courses is the study of psychiatric comorbidities in TS, which do not allow timely diagnosing of TS. Several authors propose to conceptualize certain comorbid disorders as independent ones that do not have common pathogenesis chains with TS. The least studied comorbid disorders in TS include epilepsy, although antiepileptic drugs can be effective in treating patients with TS. In consideration of the difficulty of TS diagnosing in the presence of psychiatric comorbidities, number of authors comes to the conclusion that patients have to get treatment of identified psychiatric disorder. However, according to the results of other authors’ clinical observations, there is evidence of aggravation of the course of both TS and comorbid disorder with the described therapeutic tactic. Genetics and instrumental research methods also do not reveal univocal diagnostics criteria. The authors of the article conclude that questions of diagnostics and treatment of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome are still unsolved

About the authors

Aleksandr G.  Sofronov

North-Western State Medical University named after
I.I. Mechnikov


Head of psychiatry and narcology department , professor, doctor of medical sciences, corresponding member of RAS 

Russian Federation, 191015, St. Petersburg, Kirochnaya str, 41

Dmitrij E. Zaytsev

D.E. Zaytsev Psychoneurological Center


PhD, head physician

Russian Federation, 191040, 191040, St. Petersburg, Ligovsky pr., 50, letter Ф

Il’ya  D. Zaytsev

North-Western State Medical University named after
I.I. Mechnikov

Author for correspondence.

graduate student of psychiatry and narcology department in NWSMU n.a. I.I. Mechnikov, psychiatrist

Russian Federation, 191015, St. Petersburg, Kirochnaya str, 41

Nikolaj A. Titov

D.E. Zaytsev Psychoneurological Center


functional diagnostic doctor, neurologist 

Russian Federation, 191040, St. Petersburg, Ligovsky pr., 50, letter Ф


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Copyright (c) 2020 Sofronov A.G., Zaytsev D.E., Zaytsev I.D., Titov N.A.

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