Independent living skills and cognition in early-onset and late-onset of schizophrenia patients: a pilot study

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Aim. To evaluate cognitive functions and independent living skills in patients with late-onset schizophrenia (LOS) compared to patients with early-onset schizophrenia (EOS).

Methods. The study included two clinical groups: 8 EOS patients (M=51.3±7.2; 7 males) and 8 LOS patients (M=67.8±9.9; 8 females), with comparable illness duration (22.6±9.1 and 19.9±11.9 respectively). Cognitive functions were assessed through the Brief Assessment of Cognition in Schizophrenia (BACS). The Autonomy Assessment Scale (AS) was used to measure independent living skills. The Mann–Whitney U-test was applied to determine differences between groups.

Results. LOS group performed significantly better on Digit Sequencing Task, Verbal Fluency and Tower Test of the BACS. Composite score on AS was also significantly better in LOS group along with better scores on AS`s subscales assessing primarily social skills.

Conclusion. LOS patients have milder cognitive dysfunction along with better independent living and social skills compared to AOS patients.

About the authors

Ekaterina G. Abdullina

Lomonosov Moscow State University; Mental Health Research Center

Author for correspondence.

PhD student; Clinical psychologist

Russian Federation, 119991, Moscow, Leninskie gory, 1; 115230, Moscow, Kashirskoe highway, 34

Mariya A. Savina

Mental Health Research Center


Leading research fellow

Russian Federation, 115230, Moscow, Kashirskoe highway, 34

Georgij E. Rupchev

Mental Health Research Center


Research fellow

Russian Federation, 115230, Moscow, Kashirskoe highway, 34

Margarita A. Morozova

Mental Health Research Center


Principal research fellow

Russian Federation, 115230, Moscow, Kashirskoe highway, 34

Valeriya V. Pochueva

Mental Health Research Center
Конфликт интересов: отсутствует



Russian Federation, 115230, Moscow, Kashirskoe highway, 34

Vladimir S. Sheshenin

Mental Health Research Center


Leading research fellow

Russian Federation, 115230, Moscow, Kashirskoe highway, 34


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Copyright (c) 2020 Abdullina E.G., Savina M.A., Rupchev G.E., Morozova M.A., Pochueva V.V., Sheshenin V.S.

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