Assessment of the weight and consistency of the interaction of specialists in the polyprofessional teams

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The aim of the work is a systematic analysis of the problem of the effectiveness of interaction between specialists of polyprofessional teams during psychosocial rehabilitation interventions. Formation of procedures and algorithms for processing the results of processing expert information to assess the weight and consistency of decisions based on the method of analysis of hierarchies.

The material for this work was a set of Russian and foreign scientific publications devoted to use and processing of the expert data presented in different scales: categorical, rank, scales of relations.

Methods of data analysis: rank methods, methods of system data analysis and, in particular, algorithms of the analytic hierarchy process.

Results. It is shown that the issues of interdisciplinary interactions of team members, and the procedures for assessing the weight and consistency of decisions made by team members, are naturally represented by the appropriate hierarchies, the analysis of which is carried out by means of the method of hierarchy analysis.

Summary. The fundamental difference between the estimates obtained by means of the hierarchy analysis method and the rank estimates is due to the fact that numerical estimates of the weight and consistency of decisions are formed, which depend on the qualification of employees, the patient’s condition and the characteristics of the environment.

About the authors

Vyacheslav G. Mitikhin

Mental Health Research Center

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9502-5395
SPIN-code: 7722-9134
Scopus Author ID: 6507526296
ResearcherId: F-3197-2014

PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Leading Researcher of the department of mental health services

Russian Federation, 115522, Moscow, Kashirskoye highway, 34

Tatyana A. Solokhina

Mental Health Research Centre

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3235-2476
SPIN-code: 7292-6023
Scopus Author ID: 6602118347
ResearcherId: F-9923-2019

D. Sc. in Medicine, head of department of mental health services

Russian Federation, 115522, Moscow, Kashirskoye highway, 34


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Hierarchical model of the problem of functional diagnosis

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3. Fig. 2. Complete 3-level hierarchy for specialist C1

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4. Fig. 3. Complete 3-level hierarchy for specialist C2

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5. Fig. 4. Complete 3-level hierarchy for C3 specialist

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6. Fig. 5. Complete 2-level hierarchy for the development of the final (team) functional diagnosis

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Copyright (c) 2020 Mitikhin V.G., Solokhina T.A.

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