Systematization of interaction areas of psychiatrists and medical psychologists of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

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Aim. For the purpose to systematize the directions of interaction of psychiatrists, medical and social psychologists in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
Methods. The analysis of organizational approaches of intradepartmental interaction is carried out during the examination of candidates for service and employees of Internal Affairs Bodies (IAB) during the psychiatric examination by the military medical commission, medical and psychological support.
Results. It is shown that a comprehensive approach to prevention of mental health disorders of police officers with the participation of psychiatrists, clinical and social psychologists is the only effective method of work, that allows for quality systematic monitoring of mental health of employees, helps to reduce the incidence of mental and psychosomatic disorders, dismissal of police officers, improves the social climate
Conclusion. The complex of measures for intradepartmental interaction of specialists in the field of mental health contributes for preservation of mental well-being of employees, their personal professional and functional reliability and reduces image losses.
Keywords: mental health protection, employees of Internal Affairs Bodies, intradepartmental interaction, Mental health centers.

About the authors

Vitaliy A. Sidorenko

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Russian Federation, 119991, Moscow, str. Zhitnaya, 12-A

Elena G. Ichetovkina

Аll-Russian Advanced Training Institute of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, 142007, Moscow region, Domodedovo, Pikhtovaya str., 3

Andrey G. Soloviev

Northern State Medical University

Russian Federation, 163000, Arkhangelsk, Troitsky Ave, 51


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig 1. The structure of the mental health center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the scheme of interagency interaction; VVK - military medical commission; HTI - chemical and toxicological studies; PPR - borderline mental disorders; MPR - medical and psychological rehabilitation

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3. Fig. 2. The dynamics of the distribution of the load (person per day) for specialists of the mental health center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia per day; VVK - military medical commission; CPD - Center for Psychophysiological Diagnostics

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Copyright (c) 2020 Sidorenko V.A., Ichetovkina E.G., Soloviev A.G.

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