Clinical and neurophysiological features of comorbidity of alcohol dependence and affective disorders

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The assessment of mental and neurophysiological parameters in patients with comorbidity of alcohol dependence and affective disorders in comparison with patients with alcohol dependence was carried out. It was found that the comorbid course of alcohol dependence and affective disorders is accompanied by an increase in the level of anxiety. Patients with comorbidity of alcohol dependence and affective disorders have reduced overall health compared to patients with alcohol dependence only. Patients with comorbidity of alcohol dependence and affective disorders are characterized by electroencephalographic changes in the form of a significant increase in alpha and beta rhythm in the occipital parts of the brain and a decrease in theta rhythm in the right anterior - temporal lead compared to patients with alcohol dependence only.

About the authors

Stanislav Alekseevich Galkin

Mental Health Research Institute Tomsk NMRC

Author for correspondence.


Russian Federation, 4 Aleutskaya str., Tomsk, 634014, Russia


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