Cognitive mechanisms of emotions regulation of patients with diabetes type ii with different variants of its course

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Purpose. To study cognitive mechanisms of regulation of emotions at patients of the diabetes (D) of the II type with different variants of its course.

Methods. “Scale of the dysfunctional relations” of A. Beck, A. Veysman (adapted by Zakharova M.L.), technique of “Diagnostics of irrational installations” of A. Ellis, questionnaire “Cognitive regulation of emotions” of N. Garnefski and V. Krayga (CERQ) (adapted by Pisareva O. L., Gritsenko A.), “Scales of emotional schemes of R. Leahy” (adapted by N. A. Sirota, Moskovchenko D. V.). The obtained data are processed by means of the statistical SPPS 20 program.

Results. Research showed that patients with type 2 diabetes for regulation of affective experiences use productive cognitive strategy in the form of acceptance of the incident with derivation of thoughts on more pleasant events, reflections over the plan of further actions, decrease in the exclusive importance of an event due to its comparison with other more difficult situations. They use emotional schemes of reaction in the form of “tendency to rationalization of feelings” and “the simplified idea of emotions” more often: rationality is more preferable to these patients, than emotional experience, complex feelings and ambivalent emotions hardly are accepted. At the same time at patients with type 2 diabetes existence of irrational installations with tendency to an assessment of adverse events as catastrophic with excessively high requirements to itself and people around is observed. At persons with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) the tendency to look for positive sense in the events, unlike patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) as patients with heavier form of a course of a disease at whom tendency to self-accusation and charge of others is revealed, with catastrophic and brighter expressiveness of emotional reaction, with perception of emotions as infinite, disturbing the functioning, arising because of other people who are not able to understand emotional experience of the patient. High expressiveness of the dysfunctional relations is also peculiar to IDDM patients with manifestation of the increased control over the thoughts, feelings and behavior, a pedantry, dependence, self-criticism, tendency to a reflection and depression of mood.

Conclusion. Cognitive distortions in the form of the inadequate, dysfunctional attitudes towards themselves, other people, the occurring events, and also their negative interpretation can be the cornerstone of emotional frustration which have impact on the course of diabetes of the II type, especially at patients with IDDM.

About the authors

Svetlana L. Solovyova

I.I. Mechnikov Northwest State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, 191015, St. Petersburg, Кirochnaya str., 41

Anjelica G. Koshanskaya

Medical institute «Maikop State Technological University»

Russian Federation, 385000, Republic of Adygea, Маikop, Pervomayskaya street, 191


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Significant differences in the structure of emotional patterns in patients with type II diabetes mellitus with different variants of its course according to the “Scale of R. Lyha's Emotional Schemes”.

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3. Fig. 2. The severity of dysfunctional relationships in patients with type II diabetes mellitus with various variants of its course according to the method “Scale of dysfunctional relationships” by A. Beck, A. Weisman.

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4. Fig. 3. The severity of irrational settings in patients with type II diabetes mellitus with various variants of its course according to the method of A. Ellis "Diagnostics of irrational settings"

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5. Fig. 4. A comparative analysis of the manifestations of productive cognitive strategies in patients with type II diabetes with various variants of its course according to the method of “Cognitive regulation of emotions” by N. Garnefsky and V. Craig (CERQ).

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6. Fig. 5. A comparative analysis of the manifestations of destructive cognitive strategies by patients with type II diabetes with various variants of its course according to the method of “Cognitive regulation of emotions” by N. Garnefsky and V. Craig (CERQ).

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Copyright (c) 2019 Solovyova S.L., Koshanskaya A.G.

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