The interaction of the factors of adverse childhood experiences and emotional problems

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The structure and saturation of the factors of adverse childhood experience in narcological patients were studied, their linear relationship between the level of alexithymic and post-traumatic disorders was determined, affective disorders of the anxiety-depressive spectrum were assessed. It is shown that the difficulties of emotion regulation can function as a mechanism connecting traumatic experiences preceding in childhood and subsequent use of surfactants.

About the authors

Еvgenija А. Каtan

Оrenburg State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Orenburg, Sovetskaya street, 6

Vladimir V. Каrtets

Orenburg regional clinical narcological dispensary

Russian Federation, Оrenburg, Dorozhny street, 8

Svetlana V. Коtlyarova

Orenburg regional clinical narcological dispensary

Russian Federation, Оrenburg, Dorozhny street, 8

Vitalia V. Danilchuk

Orenburg regional clinical narcological dispensary

Russian Federation, Оrenburg, Dorozhny street, 8

Irina A. Коsenko

Orenburg regional clinical narcological dispensary

Russian Federation, Оrenburg, Dorozhny street, 8


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Copyright (c) 2019 Каtan Е.А., Каrtets V.V., Коtlyarova S.V., Danilchuk V.V., Коsenko I.A.

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