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In order to analyze the dynamics of the mental state of combatants a month after the execution of operational and service tasks in special conditions, 954 combatants returned from business trips with the execution of operational and service and combat tasks in special conditions as part of the consolidated police units in the center for psychophysiological diagnosis (CPD) of the Medical and sanitary unit (MCH) of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia in the Kirov region were examined. It is shown that, a month after returning from a business trip, in mentally healthy combatants revealed prenosological disorders of mental health, leading to a decrease in social, including professional, functioning. In combatants receiving therapy for borderline mental disorders, a month later, against the background of a significant reduction in psychopathological symptoms, an emotional limitation - “insensitivity” - was formed, which indicated the need for further complex therapy. It is offered to consider a question of improvement of methodological approaches to carry out recovery rehabilitation actions to combatants in the Centers of mental health of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia.

About the authors

Elena G Ichitovkina

Kirov state medical University

610998, Kirov, K. Marx str., 112

Marina V Zlokazova

Kirov state medical University

610998, Kirov, K. Marx str., 112

Andrey G Solov’ev

Northern state medical University of the Ministry of health of Russia

163061, Arkhangelsk, Prospekt Troitskiy, 51


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Copyright (c) 2018 Ichitovkina E.G., Zlokazova M.V., Solov’ev A.G.

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