
Clinical and immunological assessment of placebo effectiveness in patients with schizophrenia in remission with different variants of asthenic symptom-complex was conducted. The results presented confirm the existence of placebo effect and prove placebo effectiveness - treatment for affective-asthenic symptoms in schizophrenia. At the same time this is a short-term effect and it does not occur in the predominance of negative symptomatology in the mental status of patients, which once again demonstrates the irreversible nature of these disorders. In placebo therapy, the relation between the LE and α1-PI inflammatory markers in serum and the change of the mental condition of the patients with affective-asthenic symptoms is established.

About the authors

Anna V Yakimets

Oryol Mental Health Facility with Intensive Care

Email: a.v.yakimets@mail.ru
302030, Oryol, str. Rostovskaya, 11

Svetlana A Zozulya

The Mental Health Research Centre

115522, Moscow, Kashirskoe Shosse, 34

Igor V Oleichik

The Mental Health Research Centre

115522, Moscow, Kashirskoe Shosse, 34

Tatiana P Klyushnik

The Mental Health Research Centre

115522, Moscow, Kashirskoe Shosse, 34


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Copyright (c) 2018 Yakimets A.V., Zozulya S.A., Oleichik I.V., Klyushnik T.P.

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