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This article reviews specific features of psychoeducational groups with relatives of first episode schizophrenia patients with the example of short-term in-patient treatment program. The indicated features which include short-term hospital stay, open group form, specific emotional response, do not allow implementing long-term full multi-family groups and make searching for new effective program in given conditions more important. Based on the available sources and clinical observation are described principles and rules of working with relatives of first episode patients, plan and basic framework of the sessions, main issues that are usually discussed and recommendations for the most effective way of working the group. This program is the initial stage of the long rehabilitation process, but at the same time allows short-term assistance and support for the relatives.

About the authors

Yana A Getmanenko

1) St. Petersburg Psychiatric Hospital № 3 named after I.I. Skvortsov-Stepanov; 2) Saint-Petersburg State University

2) Medical psychology and psychophysiology Department 1) 197341, St. Petersburg, Fermskoe h., 36/A; 2) 199034, St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya Emb., 7-9

Mariam M Shanidze

St. Petersburg Psychiatric Hospital № 3 named after I.I. Skvortsov-Stepanov

197341, St. Petersburg, Fermskoe h., 36/A

Anna V Trusova

Saint-Petersburg State University

Medical psychology and psychophysiology Department 199034, St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya Emb., 7-9

Alla E Dobrovolskaya

1) St. Petersburg Psychiatric Hospital № 3 named after I.I. Skvortsov-Stepanov; 2) North-western State Medical University named after I.I.Mechnikov

2) Psychiatry and Narcology Department 1) 197341, St. Petersburg, Fermskoe h., 36/A; 2) 191015, St. Petersburg, Kirochnaya str., 41

Natalya V Vorobjeva

St. Petersburg Psychiatric Hospital № 3 named after I.I. Skvortsov-Stepanov

197341, St. Petersburg, Fermskoe h., 36/A

Aleksandr G Sofronov

1) St. Petersburg Psychiatric Hospital № 3 named after I.I. Skvortsov-Stepanov; 2) North-western State Medical University named after I.I.Mechnikov

2) Psychiatry and Narcology Department 1) 197341, St. Petersburg, Fermskoe h., 36/A; 2) 191015, St. Petersburg, Kirochnaya str., 41


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Copyright (c) 2018 Getmanenko Y.A., Shanidze M.M., Trusova A.V., Dobrovolskaya A.E., Vorobjeva N.V., Sofronov A.G.

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