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Review of literature on postural deformities in Parkinson’s disease was presented: types of postural disorders, frequency of occurrence, pathogenesis, possibilities of therapy. Description of our own clinical experience of using botulinum toxin in the treatment of camptocormia and Pisa syndrome was shown.

About the authors

Irina V Fursova

National V.M. Bekhterev medical research center of psychiatry and neurology

192019, St. Petersburg, Bekhterev str, 3

Vladimir A Mikhailov

National V.M. Bekhterev medical research center of psychiatry and neurology

192019, St. Petersburg, Bekhterev str, 3

Denis V Zakharov

National V.M. Bekhterev medical research center of psychiatry and neurology

192019, St. Petersburg, Bekhterev str, 3

Livia A Khublarova

National V.M. Bekhterev medical research center of psychiatry and neurology

192019, St. Petersburg, Bekhterev str, 3

Alexander P Kovalenko

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy

199044, St. Petersburg, Аcademician Lebedev str, 6

Zuleikha A Zalyalova

Kazan state medical university

420012, Каzan, Butlerov str, 49


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Copyright (c) 2018 Fursova I.V., Mikhailov V.A., Zakharov D.V., Khublarova L.A., Kovalenko A.P., Zalyalova Z.A.

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