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The main non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are considered. The main hypotheses and theory: dysfunction of cortical-subcortical structures, the hypothesis of double strike and the theory of prion disease are described. By the time motor symptoms are realized in patients with PD, the degeneration of nigrostriatal neurons reaches 70-80%. Identification of Parkinson’s disease at the pre-motor stage facilitates diagnosis and further treatment tactics. For a better understanding, the main theories of the onset of the disease are described and the latest studies are analyzed.

About the authors

Zuleikha A Zalyalova

1) Kazan state medical university; 2) The Republican Advisory-Diagnostic Center of extrapyramidal pathology and botulinum toxin therapy

1) department of neurology and rehabilitation 1) 420012, Каzan, Butlerov str, 49; 2) 420039, Каzan, Isajev str, 5

Nailya I Bagdanova

Kazan state medical university

department of neurology and rehabilitation 420012, Каzan, Butlerov str, 49


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