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The paper deals with the dimensional aspects of the classification of psychopathological states. Dimensional (rank) scales are widely used in psychiatry and neurology for comparative assessment of the severity of neurological, neurocognitive and emotional disorders in dynamics. A simple example for general medicine shows the inadmissibility of interpreting rank information as a numeric. A cardinal approach to the processing of rank (dimensional) information on the basis of the Analytic Hierarchy Process is proposed, which provides the formation of the results of processing of rank information in the scale of relations (numerical scale). A fundamental approach to the processing of rank information allows to obtain integrated estimates on different scales, which is of interest from the point of view of the formation of correct diagnostic and classification procedures in psychiatry.

About the authors

Vyacheslav G Mitikhin

Mental Health Research Center

115522, Russia, Moscow, Kashirskoye shosse, 34


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