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The prevalence of age-related hypogonadism, cognitive and psychoemotional disorders in men of mature age with initial manifestations of cerebrovascular pathology is estimated. The initial manifestations of CCI were evaluated by cognitive and psycho-emotional indicators, hypogonadism - by the results of clinical and laboratory studies. High representation of age-related hypogonadism in patients with initial manifestations of chronic cerebrovascular disease was revealed. This may reflect the pathogenetic role of androgenodeficiency in the development of cerebrovascular disease and opens up the prospect of finding pathogenetic therapy for chronic cerebral ischemia.

About the authors

Vladimir V Timonin

Kazan state medical university

department of neurology, neurosurgery and medical genetics 420012, Каzan, Butltrov street, 49

Rustem T Gaifutdinov

Kazan state medical university

department of neurology, neurosurgery and medical genetics 420012, Каzan, Butltrov street, 49

Aliya A Biktimirova

Kazan state medical university

department of neurology, neurosurgery and medical genetics 420012, Каzan, Butltrov street, 49

Almir A Zakirov

Kazan state medical university

department of neurology, neurosurgery and medical genetics 420012, Каzan, Butltrov street, 49

Svetlana K Perminova

Kazan state medical university

department of neurology, neurosurgery and medical genetics 420012, Каzan, Butltrov street, 49


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Copyright (c) 2018 Timonin V.V., Gaifutdinov R.T., Biktimirova A.A., Zakirov A.A., Perminova S.K.

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