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The review paper provides the analysis of critical assessments regarding the principles and procedures of evidence-based medicine in the psychiatric practice. Incorrect nature of some critical comments with respect to evidence-based approaches is indicated. The practical importance of clinical research for the selection of optimal therapeutic solutions is underlined. The clinical aspects of psychiatric care that do not be allowed to formalize the therapeutic process completely are considered. Within the framework of the discussed problem, variants of consistent and complementary evidence and clinical approaches interactions are presented. The conclusion is drawn that the principles of evidence-based medicine remain the scientific basis for the development of clinical practice.

About the authors

Mikhail L Zobin

Centre of transformational therapy of addictions

Email: dr.zobin@yandex.ru
«Dobrota» 85330, Kotor, Montenegro

Nataliya V Ustinova

National Medical Research Centre for Children’s Health

Email: ust-doctor@mail.ru
119991, Моscow, Lomonosovsky prospect, 2


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