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Authors conducted a multi-stage study to improve the early diagnosis of cerebral metastases of peripheral non-small cell lung cancer (PNSCLC). Based on the data of retrospective analysis and clinical material, the frequency of metastatic brain disease in patients with PNSCLC was analyzed. The dependence of the frequency of cerebral metastases on size, histological structure of the primary tumor, and the involvement of regional lymph nodes was studied. A preventive use of MRI in the detection of cerebral metastases of PNSCLC demonstrated significant improvement. The diagnostic capabilities of MRI with intravenous contrast and PET/CT with 11C-methionine in the detection of cerebral metastases are compared.

About the authors

Andrey V Laryukov

1) Republic Clinical Oncology Dispenser; 2) Kazan State Medical Academy

Email: larioukov@mail.ru
1) Каzan, Sibirsky tract, 29; 2) 420012, Kazan, Mushtari str.

Rustem Sh Hasanov

Kazan State Medical Academy

420012, Kazan, Mushtari str

Elena K Laryukova

Kazan State Medical Academy

420012, Kazan, Mushtari str


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Copyright (c) 2017 Laryukov A.V., Hasanov R.S., Laryukova E.K.

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